View Full Version : Nice color

Ian Jeffcock
10-15-2011, 4:06 AM
I was cutting bowl blanks from a large crotch of Box Elder. Even with my metal detector I kept finding nails, some as deep as six inches. I was tempted to give up after having to sharpen my saw several times, until I saw the color and grain patterns in this piece. It kind of reminds me of the old hot-rod paint jobs, (flaming fenders etc). I ended up with two 22 inch blanks. Not going to risk my coring tools on them though.

Steve Vaughan
10-15-2011, 6:35 AM
That's a nice variation of color. Hope it will hold that when it's dried out completely. I've got a piece of pine tree with a horseshoe nailed to it when it was just a sapling. Ya never know sometimes what you'll find in that tree!

Donny Lawson
10-15-2011, 6:45 AM
Great looking piece. You have alot of designs going on and the bowl will be well worth it in the end. Can you post another picture of your outboard stand in the first picture. I need to make me one. I've accuired a Very large log that needs turned and I will need the outboard setup.

John Keeton
10-15-2011, 7:27 AM
Ian, that is outstanding!! And, I might add, a very nice looking bowl in the making - we need to see finished pics of that!

Steve Schlumpf
10-15-2011, 7:47 AM
That's going to be quite the bowl! Looking forward to seeing it finished!

David Reed
10-15-2011, 8:19 AM
Ian, when I first saw the pics I also immediately thought 'hot rod flames' - incredible color. Hope it stays that way for you. Plus I like the initial shape of the bowl. Did you encounter any more nails while turning? Sounds scary.

Hayes Rutherford
10-15-2011, 8:38 AM
Ian, too bad about the nails in such a nice piece. I recently found an old ceramic insulator with my bandsaw. There were no warning signs and the blade was instant toast.

Allan Ferguson
10-15-2011, 10:01 AM
That is really neat colors. Just brought home a large chunk of box elder. Will post pictures later in the day.

Bernie Weishapl
10-15-2011, 10:37 AM
That is going to be a really nice bowl with some outstanding color.

Baxter Smith
10-15-2011, 11:18 AM
Awesome!! So show us the insides!

Rich Aldrich
10-15-2011, 2:14 PM
Ian, when I first saw the pics I also immediately thought 'hot rod flames' - incredible color. Hope it stays that way for you. Plus I like the initial shape of the bowl. Did you encounter any more nails while turning? Sounds scary.

Flames was my first thought as well. Nice piece of wood.

charlie knighton
10-15-2011, 2:50 PM
thanks for sharing, Ian, outstanding

Harry Robinette
10-15-2011, 8:46 PM
I'm truly pleased, my first thought was a bad accident. I just drove 62 miles to get some box elder that was supposed to be 30 inches across,it's 17 tops not happy at all then found out there is NO red, NO pink,NO color at all.
Sorry about running on.Really glad yours is so beautiful and nice bowl to.

David E Keller
10-15-2011, 8:48 PM
That's not a bowl... It's a sink! A beautiful sink at that! Congrats on finding some big, gorgeous wood!

Ian Jeffcock
10-16-2011, 1:14 AM
Thanks everyone,.. Harry, I brought home another 3 1/2 ' diameter tree today, a little color but most of it is bland. Ya never know till you get inside.
I cheat, I have an excavator and dump truck, so I dont mind if I have to add to my firewood pile. It gets used one way or another.
Donny,.. I was just using the extension bed on my 3520 with a banjo riser. It could stand a bracre under it, cause a get a little vibration if I push too hard.

Joe Watson
10-16-2011, 1:52 AM
Mother nature sure is a work of art and your doing a great job uncovering her ;)

Kathy Marshall
10-16-2011, 1:53 AM
I have to agree with David, that is a beautiful sink! Really cool coloring in that wood and the form is great!