View Full Version : Second Walnut Bowl

Bob Bergstrom
10-13-2011, 4:42 PM
This bowl measure about 9" across and 4" deep. I thought about turning away the sapwood till I saw the dark branch like inclusion running across the white area. Bowl was beaded with a pointy 3/8" spindle gouge. I lay them out with the point of a skew in a scraping mode in order to prevent skidding when I start to turn the bead. Just that little ledge to rest the bevel on makes a world of difference when you start to roll the bead. Finish is two coats of Forby's Tung Gloss Oil followed by 3 coats of lacquer.

http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn274/bbergst/2012 Bowls/IMG_5113.jpg

http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn274/bbergst/2012 Bowls/IMG_5104.jpg

http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn274/bbergst/2012 Bowls/IMG_5103.jpg

Jamie Donaldson
10-13-2011, 4:48 PM
Niiiiiiiiiiiiiccccccccccccceee one!!!!!!!!!!

Steve Vaughan
10-13-2011, 5:27 PM
Dat's one beautiful walnut bowl right there!

Richard Jones
10-13-2011, 7:19 PM
Perfect piece. Great wood, great blend of sapwood for contrast, great beads, great foot. I like feets..............


Rich Aldrich
10-13-2011, 7:42 PM
Bob - Nice work - I like the bead work. I like the wood - it has some nice character.

Roger Chandler
10-13-2011, 7:56 PM
First class Bob! Pretty wood also!

David E Keller
10-13-2011, 8:02 PM
Nicely done, Bob! I love the bead details near the rim and foot!

Scott Hackler
10-13-2011, 8:06 PM
Very nice!

Jim Burr
10-13-2011, 9:05 PM
Wow!!! This one is doing me in...these are just great, functional bowls that happen to look amazing!!

Bernie Weishapl
10-13-2011, 9:06 PM
Great looking bowl Bob. Gotta love walnut.

Donny Lawson
10-13-2011, 9:14 PM
Great looking piece of walnut. The sapwood adds great character to it.

Baxter Smith
10-13-2011, 10:37 PM
Another great one!!

Kathy Marshall
10-14-2011, 2:58 AM
Great looking bowl and some great looking wood! I like a little sapwood accent and the bead details are very nice!

John Keeton
10-14-2011, 6:36 AM
Bob, I like this one, too, but the other is the pick IMO. Great work on both, though!

Bob Bergstrom
10-14-2011, 2:33 PM
Thanks all. Keeping the beads small adds interest without overwhelming the piece.

Ed Morgano
10-14-2011, 3:27 PM
Great wood and great work.

bob svoboda
10-14-2011, 4:45 PM
Very nicely done!

Michelle Rich
10-15-2011, 7:11 AM
very pretty