View Full Version : 3 vs 4 wheel power feeders

jim mills
10-12-2011, 6:39 PM
...for shapers. Four seems to have advantages, but a three wheel can be converted to belt drive, which some say is better for short pieces. Opinions?

David Kumm
10-12-2011, 8:24 PM
Jim, I use four for shapers but have never used the tracks so I would be interested in opinions. I would also like to hear from anyone with experience with Wegoma feeders. They make the one with the horizontal motor that is more easily adjusted to run against the fence. They make feeders for Martin and Grizzly. That covers the range. Dave

Peter Quinn
10-12-2011, 8:59 PM
I prefer 4 wheel with traditional wheels to 3 wheel with traditional wheels. The distance between centers is smaller, I can get two wheels on each side of the spindle for consistent hold down on both long and shorter pieces. I have never tried a track feed unit, but with a 4 wheel feeder I can pretty much feed any part long enough to make it past the fence opening safely anyway. In my home shop I have one of each and had considered converting the three wheel to track feed, but since adding a second shaper with 4 wheel feeder it seems unnecessary now.

One nice thing about regular wheels is if you use it on a TS you can actually bury the blade into a wheel if required, and occasionally it is IME. Not sure that would go well with a track. If it is dedicated to a shaper, point is pretty moot.

jim mills
10-12-2011, 9:22 PM
The four wheel seems to make the most sense, but a cabinet maker on another forum couldn't say enough good about his 3 wheel track feeder.

Stephen Cherry
10-12-2011, 10:06 PM
I've got a three wheeler, and the western roller wheels make all the diference. Plus a little wax on the table. Generally, it works great.

If I had a choice though, I'd get a 4 wheeler.

ian maybury
10-12-2011, 10:11 PM
Are there possibly situations like e.g. rotating an arc shaped piece in a vertically held semi circular fixture where the fourth wheel might get in the way???


J.R. Rutter
10-12-2011, 10:16 PM
4-wheel is great for when you need to change feed direction for different cutters. You can just pivot around the center. I use a belt conversion on my sticking shaper and it works well. Not a magic bullet, but it helps for short rails. One thing to keep in mind is that the belts need to be replaced over time due to stretching. Wheels are better for table saw. I would not trust belts to handle narrow rips.

Jeff Duncan
10-12-2011, 10:55 PM
The short answer is to get one of each!

I like the 4 wheeler for larger stuff. I do a fair amount of interior doors and the 4 wheeler gives that little added support that I appreciate. I do have the track kit for one of my 3 wheelers, just haven't had occasion to use it yet.

I also have a Univer feeder and yes they are much, MUCH easier to rotate from horizontal to vertical.

Most important thing is upgrading to the poly tires. They make all the difference regardless of how many wheels.

good luck,