View Full Version : Roy Underhill - PBS Woodwright's Shop coming to Anchorage

Jim Neeley
10-12-2011, 6:21 PM
In case there are other Neanders here from Alaska I want to share that Roy is coming to town on October 21st, 22nd and 23rd.

On the 21st he will be holding a woodworking class on hand cutting dovetails.
On the 22nd he will be holding a woodworking class on building his "Mystery Mallet". It's called that because it's dovetailed together in two directions, a seemingly impossible joint. How does he do that? <g>
On the afternoon of Sunday the 23rd he will entertain at a stand-up.

Sounds like a weekend of fun to me!!

No affiliation, except I'll be attending! <g>


Maurice Ungaro
10-13-2011, 7:48 AM
You will really enjoy those classes! Just took the dovetail class and look forward to the mallet class.

Marty Weatherup
10-13-2011, 8:13 PM
I'll be at the dovetail class and the show. I am as rank an amateur as they come when it comes to hand cut dovetails. I hope to remedy that. I am really looking forward to meeting Roy and fellow Alaskan woodworkers.


Jim Neeley
10-13-2011, 8:28 PM
Great, Marty.. You are the first southcentral member I've met here. I look forward to meeting you! Are you going to be able to make it to Dons this Sunday for the bench setup at 10am? If so, I'll be there too.


Marty Weatherup
10-14-2011, 1:37 AM

No I won't be able to make it to the work day. I work a week on/week off schedule and won't be off till Thursday. I have been a member here quite a while but more of a lurker. I don't post a lot but do like to keep up with all the great knowledge and projects here. I am slowly making the transition from tailed to the original cordless tools. I spent some of my PFD on accessories to help me with sharpening and have a Veritas dovetail saw coming. I don't know that I will ever get to the point of being totally handtools but I go more that way every year. I am looking forward to meeting you and getting to know some more Alaskan woodworkers. We tend to feel isolated from the rest of the woodworking world up here. It will be good to network with folks with similar interests.


Jim Neeley
10-14-2011, 1:56 AM
I don't see myself going electron-free but there's some things better done by hand... I want to become proficient with hand tools.. and it's certainly better exercise! <g>