View Full Version : A Delta grumble

Jerry Crawford
02-28-2005, 11:24 AM
(picture a grumbling old man :mad: )

I just got hold of Delta to order a caster assy for my TS mobile base. Their web site say's that item is a $10 bill. After waiting in the telephone tree a half hour the Voice tells me that item is discontinued and the new item is $18. Shipping/handling/taxes adds another $8. Total $26 (grumble-grumble)

It is doubly irratating because that simple caster assy isn't repariable. :(

Byron Trantham
02-28-2005, 11:32 AM
Man I hate repair parts. :mad: I can sympathize with you. Good luck. :D

John Weber
02-28-2005, 11:47 AM


www.acetoolrepair.com or your regional service center.
