View Full Version : Refurbished Woodturning Studio - before & after [WIP]

Roger Chandler
10-10-2011, 11:20 AM
I mentioned I was going to refurbish my turning studio [a.k.a. my shop:D] The water damage was major......after I got into the tear off, I found rotted seals, and studs. and of course I knew about the rotten wood on the roof.

Now all is in better shape than when I purchased this thing some years ago..........it has 5/8" siding where it had 3/8 wafer board siding before............now it has 30 lb. roofing felt under the new shingles, where the original builders only put shingles.........no roof felt :eek: which was just asking for failure..........I could say something about this company who built this, but I will resist the temptation!!!:mad:

Anyway, here are before and after pics.......hoping to get it primed and painted [2 coats] by tomorrow and then I will just have to finish painting the trim and corner boards white........the main building will be a color that matches the siding on the house. There will be guttering and downspouts installed as well..............and..........then I go to the inside.......gonna move some things out of this one to the one behind it and give myself more room and organization!

Then hopefully.........get back to some turning! :D


Dick Wilson
10-10-2011, 11:28 AM
Roger, certainly a lot of damage. New building looks great. I sure hope your equipment fared better than the building.

Tim Rinehart
10-10-2011, 11:28 AM
Wow, nice makeover. You have to be breathing easier now.

Roger Chandler
10-10-2011, 12:07 PM
Roger, certainly a lot of damage. New building looks great. I sure hope your equipment fared better than the building.


No damage to any of my tools........[thankfully].......I got to this before it got to the point it was doing any damage except to the building itself...........

This time, I put a lot of time into sealing every crack with caulk and making sure the wood behind all the trim was primed before installing it, and also with the guttering being installed after priming and then painting two coats, this one should last many years.............

Roger Chandler
10-10-2011, 12:09 PM
Wow, nice makeover. You have to be breathing easier now.

Thanks Tim! I have the worst of it behind me.........now to get it reorganized on the inside..........a little more room and make it ready for winter use........just want to get back to using it when I have a little spare time.......which seems to be increasingly rare these days.

Matt Hutchinson
10-10-2011, 12:27 PM
That looks great Roger! I bet it'll be really nice to work in once the final organization is in place. I wish I could do that to my c.1914 shop! Enjoy!


John Keeton
10-10-2011, 2:13 PM
Looks great, Roger!! What is going to be the color scheme on the redux?? That T-111 siding?? really needs some protection.

Roger Chandler
10-10-2011, 3:00 PM
Looks great, Roger!! What is going to be the color scheme on the redux?? That T-111 siding?? really needs some protection.


The color scheme will be a grey/taupe color with white trim including the corner boards......matches the color scheme on the house.......the doors will stand out from the body of the building with the contrast. Should be good......... 1 coat primer, 2 coats paint, and some gravel around the outside edges about 4 inches deep for drainage and gutters.

Donny Lawson
10-10-2011, 5:03 PM
That's a great transformation. What size is it? Any pics of the inside??

Tony De Masi
10-10-2011, 5:05 PM
Nice job Roger. I'm sure you are happy that the majority of the work is done.

Ed Morgano
10-10-2011, 5:32 PM
I'm sure you're going to be happy with your new shop. Very nice job. It looks like new on the outside.

Roger Chandler
10-10-2011, 5:51 PM
That's a great transformation. What size is it? Any pics of the inside??

Way too small Donny! Only 14' x 20' and full of tools! With all the tear off and such, everything on the inside is in disarray at the present...........if I took a picture now.........the shop police would arrest me! :D That will change when I get some things moved and put into the back building..............then I will re-arrange and have a little more organization...........then hopefully get a new hollow form started............and a few other things!

Harry Robinette
10-10-2011, 6:58 PM
Outside looks really good, Now lets see what you can do to the inside. Good luck we all know the insides always the worst.

Roger Chandler
10-10-2011, 7:07 PM
Outside looks really good, Now lets see what you can do to the inside. Good luck we all know the insides always the worst.

Because I had to move a lot of things, and utilize the tools I have, many are out of place and my table saw has drills, circular saws, and a lot of nails etc. setting on it.........my compressor is out of place as well, and a number of other things that had to be taken off the walls so we could take off the old siding.

I will get it back together in a few days.

Jim Underwood
10-10-2011, 7:16 PM
That construction looks awfully familiar. Mine's 16 x 24 and it's still too small...

Good job on the refurb.

charlie knighton
10-10-2011, 8:45 PM
congratulations Roger, great job, i know you will be happy

Bernie Weishapl
10-10-2011, 10:04 PM
Great looking redo Roger. Like to see if after painting.

David DeCristoforo
10-10-2011, 10:18 PM
"Only 14' x 20' ..."

Fourteen by twenty? That's huge! That's almost twice the size of my shop! Looks great though. And I presume it looks as fresh and clean on the inside?

Don Alexander
10-11-2011, 12:09 AM
hehe i was thinking that 14x20 would be a huge improvement to my 12x12

Michelle Rich
10-11-2011, 6:11 AM
glad you have a nice new shop...looks great

Russell Eaton
10-11-2011, 6:49 AM
Lots of hard work to redo the shop. It will be well worth it when you get settled back in. Glad the tools were not damaged.

Roger Chandler
10-11-2011, 10:49 AM
Thanks everyone..........when we get it painted, I will post a couple of pics to show the completion..........if I can get it done, I will also maybe take a few pics when the inside is back in order and a little more organized than it is at present........still concerned about the shop police..........I could actually get a citation! :eek::D

Roger Chandler
10-11-2011, 4:26 PM
Got it primed today .........cannot believe the way that T1-11 soaks in the primer............6 gallons! :eek: May get to put on some finish coats of paint on Friday...........maybe, if the weather holds...........we are supposed to get heavy rain from that storm moving up the eastern seaboard.


4 coats of primer, with an extra coat as well along the bottom 18 inches.........just for when we have those deep snows we get that lay up against the sides of the building in winter.

2 coats of finish paint and then paint the trim white............put gutters and downspouts on it, lay in about 8 inches of gravel around the edges, and I should be good to go for a good number of years!

Roger Chandler
10-12-2011, 5:23 PM
Can anyone give me an "educated" estimate on how much wood movement there is in T1-11 siding? I ask this because last evening and all day today we have had heavy rain with this storm moving up the east coast. I went to go put a tool in my turning studio [a.k.a. shop], and the doors were so close together it was hard to open, and to shut it I had to use my foot to bang it closed a little.

There was plenty of gap between the doors when I installed them.....everything worked perfectly .........all lined up nicely with a strait gap from top to bottom.............

I figure it will open back up when the weather dries out..............I might have to plane away an eighth of an inch on one side or the other........:mad:

Jon McElwain
10-12-2011, 5:39 PM
Hmm, I've used T1-11 a bit before and never had much of a wood swelling problem. I used it in Juneau, Alaska where the humidity averages around 75% for the year, and we get somewhere between 55-100 inches of rain per year, depending on where in town you live. Anyway, I would suspect wood swell and movement in the framing rather than the T1-11 swelling your doors shut. I have had some T1-11 get really wet, but rather than swell and expand, the surface cupped and warped.

David Reed
10-12-2011, 6:40 PM
Not sure of the reality of the swelling but if memory serves, it is typically printed on cd/x and the like to leave (I think) 1/8 gap on the sides and 1/4" gap on the ends between sheets but this may be inaccurate.