View Full Version : #7 tuned up

Steve Southwood
10-10-2011, 10:50 AM
Wanted to try my hand at tuning up a plane. Actually tried to talk Jim K into doing it for me. I think it turned out OK. Not happy with the knobs, but that is life. Will be giving Hock some business. New blade wouldn't hurt this thing a bit.

Here is what I started with


And here is the end result


Bill White
10-10-2011, 11:02 AM
Just a tip for ya. On the #7 I recently bought, I buffed the tote and knob with green compound real well. Then I waxed 'em. They came out really well. The rosewood will polish.
Enjoy your new toy.

Jim Koepke
10-10-2011, 11:32 AM
Looks great Steve.

Every time you take shavings with this plane a certain tingle of pride will run all through you.

Bill made a good suggestion for taking care of the wood.


Paul Saffold
10-10-2011, 11:38 AM
Nice Steve.
I've really liked the replacement blades from Lee Valley, too. http://www.leevalley.com/US/wood/page.aspx?p=42607&cat=1,41182,43698&ap=1
Looks like a good user. Paul

Trevor Walsh
10-10-2011, 3:32 PM
I have two LV blades on older one in my #7 the other is a Veritas iron and chip breaker in my #4... couldn't be happier with both of them.

Ben Beckham
10-10-2011, 4:19 PM
Your bench looks like mine, MDF with a hardwood front, except mine has a SYP 2x on the front.

I bought a dusty #7 at the flea market a few weeks back for $15 that is in line for a rehab. Grungy all over, paint splatters on the bed, and has a good "patina" going on the sole. But at least it's flat, with a full iron, full knob & tote with no chips, and all-original parts. Got the base Stanley bench-plane lineup almost complete save the 1 and 8.

What did you do to the handles? I was going to try sanding mine and then re-finishing with Danish Oil and wax, but I'm not sure yet.

Steve Southwood
10-10-2011, 4:50 PM
Ben, that is my assembly table. Actually, I do all my benches and tables the same way. It is a great way to get done quick and with great strength.

Thanks for the complements, I still don't know if I did it right or not, but it works.