View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
10-10-2011, 10:15 AM
10 Oct 2011

Good Morning Everyone,
Well, the family and I spent the entire weekend helping work a local motorcycle rally...ROAR Rally 2011. We are members of a local motorcycle chapter of the CMA, Christian Motorcycle Association. This is something that my family and I love doing because we serve local communities and help people that are in need. I've spent a lot of time teaching my kids how to serve others before they even consider themselves. Teaching them how to care about people no matter how the look or act because everybody on the planet has the basic desire to be cared about, accepted, and respected. If the entire nation could just grasp this concept? We'd be a country in much better shape that we are today.

No woodworking for me this past weekend, but I did think about it while I was out. :)

Well, that's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Jeff Monson
10-10-2011, 10:25 AM
Lots of shop time for me this last weekend. I've got a fairly large kitchen cabinet job I'm about 50% through. I needed to get some face frames prepped and finished. I'm working with paint grade soft maple, and the finish is an antique white that has some edge distressing. Its a really nice finish but lots of steps. I also got some rails and stiles, milled, cut and profiled for my doors (lots left though). Spent some time with the kids and picked a few apples also. Was a really nice weekend.

Neil Brooks
10-10-2011, 10:45 AM
I tried to rearrange and organize a board stash, in the garage, but ... it had been so long since I bought it ... I realized I couldn't differentiate between all the species, or even remember what all the species were, so ... I just drank a beer instead :)

Cary Falk
10-10-2011, 11:07 AM
A couple of weeks ago I got mad at my DP table while working on another project. Needless to say a new DP table went to the top of my list. I finished it up this weekend. I should have done this the first time.

Matt Meiser
10-10-2011, 11:41 AM
Saturday a group from our woodworking club got together to start building some book shelves and book displays for a local daycare. In the afternoon the guy buying my 14" BS came to pick it up, then we went to a spaghetti dinner/auction the PTA was putting on to raise money for new playgrounds at our elementary and middle schools. Sunday I finished up installing the mobility kit on my new BS, did some cleaning up in the shop (seems like I'm always cleaning up in the shop!) before going to the elementary/middle school football game to watch LOMLjr cheer. We then ran some errands, then went to my parents' presumably for dinner, which didn't happen because by the time someone got it started, we learned they were out of propane for the grill, so we ended up bringing some home to our house and cooking there since it would have been over an hour by the time we exhanged the tank at the nearest place that was open.

Taking today off too--I already did some painting since we've got to be getting close to the last nice days of fall, then pressure-washed the new tractor about 3 times so I can get a good look at what lies ahead, do a temporary repair on a cracked cylinder head with JBWeld, and do a tuneup.

Jim Rimmer
10-10-2011, 2:19 PM
LOML went to a Greek festival Saturday so I spent the entire day in my shop starting on two A&C bedside tables. My kids wanted me to make videos of a project so I'm trying on this one.

Jerome Hanby
10-10-2011, 2:21 PM
I trimmed dowel pins and sanded rails and stiles on two doors for a shop cabinet I've almost got completed. Was about to attach the piano hinges when the rain started sprinkling and I rushed everything back inside. Accepted delivery of a 16' PODS container to store workshop stuff in while I'm working on wiring, lighting, and storage.

Mike Wilkins
10-10-2011, 4:16 PM
Visited a local Woodmiser sawmill owner to get some Red Oak for a desk project. Got more than enough for this project and some for future projects as well. Also went to order a big screen TV (55") to replace my current 32" TV, which will get moved into the bedroom. Amazing what the picture quality is on the new offerings. Should make for some fun viewing of Tommy Mac on Saturday, as well as Sunday football.

Steve Kohn
10-10-2011, 10:41 PM
I was working on a puppet stage for my granddaughters until a buddy called. He's retired and gets most of his stuff done during the week. He was looking for something to do, so I invited him over to help me. When he got to my place we changed projects and took the last 2 of the 2X3 inch downspouts off my gutters and replaced them with 3X4 downspouts. That should stop the overflowing gutters during monsoons. All the other downspouts had been replaced over the years. When he left I went back to the puppet stage. Sunday morning I was back working on the stage and got the last pieces milled and glued. During my ride to get paint, the same buddy called. Paybacks a b----. He needed help in taking down a 60 foot tall ash killed by the borer. I helped him take it down and move it to his burn pile. Then went back home, and put the primer coat on the stage.

David Hostetler
10-11-2011, 12:35 PM
Friday night, my neice from Virginia flew in to Houston, so she went with her mom & siblings and hung out, on Saturday, LOML, my BIL and I went up into H-town to visit with them, crashed out there so we could all head out Sunday to the Texas Renaissance Festival in Plantersville. It turned out to be more of a RAINaissance festival. Which is fine by me, we have been desperately needing the rain for over a year now!

We came back late Sunday night / early monday morning, cleaned up, and went to bed... And yesterday I did the cooking duties to give LOML a break...

I spent a little bit of shop time this weekend in between other things making a long sanding jig, about the size of a jointer plane, but with more of a float handle. I should have fitted it with a plane tote / knob style handle... And I broke it in working on a project I am trying to get finished. I have some brass hardware left for this project before I can finish it up and post it. Keep your eyes peeled!

I also spent some, but not hardly enough time cleaning up shop this weekend. Most of my tools are back where they belong. I need to move a few more items around, find some storage for more junk LOML thinks belongs in the shop, and start building my overhead DIY library for the shop...

Which is of course, the last of what I did this weekend, spent some time in Sketchup finishing up the plans for my DIY library cabinet. Sort of an overhead bookshelf, wall / stud hung meant to house all my DIY / Woodworking / and Auto magazines and books. I am building it 6' long x 16" high and deep. I am planning on using locking rabbets for the main carcass, and glued dadoes / dowel joints for the divider panels to keep the ply from sagging over the length. The entire thing is going to be sanded, primed and painted, so the particular ply type isn't important as long as I can set up any voids / pores and get a smooth finish on it!

Here's looking forward to another busy weekend! Be safe!

Rod Sheridan
10-11-2011, 12:43 PM
Dennis, nice to hear that you had the bike out, so did I.

The weather was great, about 26 degrees both days so we had Thanksgiving dinner outside yesterday. Coincidentally the leaves have turned so the colours were nice, very festive looking.

Regards, Rod.