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View Full Version : DeWalt 746 table saw fence head

Chris Atzinger
10-09-2011, 6:14 PM

I have most of the parts of a DW 746 tablesaw, but am currently missing the fence head. As the saws are no longer in production, the fence heads are $240 and back ordered.

For those folks out there with this saw, are there other aftermarket fences, besides the Incra system, that I am missing? Anyone who has upgraded their fence, interested in selling their old fence head?


scott spencer
10-09-2011, 8:56 PM
Chris - AFAIK, just about any aftermarket fence could be fitted to your saw, unless you have a slider that interferes.

Many would be an upgrade from the stock fence. The Delta T2 is an excellent bang for the buck at ~ $150 from Tools-plus.com. The Shop Fox Classic and Shop Fox Aluma Classic are both good fences that aren't overly expensive, and the Vega (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=vega+fence&x=0&y=0) Pro 40 is another fine fence that's on sale for $280 shipped.

Chris Atzinger
10-09-2011, 10:29 PM
Hi Scott,

First, thanks for the reply. I looked at the fences you mentioned, but maybe you can clarify something for me. The front rail on the DW 746 saw is a 2" diameter tube. All of those fences looked like they were designed to work with square rails. The delta website did mention tubes in the product description, but when I looked at my Delta saw, the rails are only 1 3/8" in diameter. Do you happen to know if these fences work on tube rails? I will send a note to delta to ask about their fence/rails.


scott spencer
10-10-2011, 4:57 AM
They'll all work on the tubing that's sold with the fences (most come with them unless otherwise stated), and some will work on each other's tubes (ie: Shop Fox Classic, Jet Xacta, HTC, and Biesemeyer Commercial)...those tubes are rectangular steel. AFAIK the fence tubes on the DW746 are proprietary to that stock fence, but I think the Vega Pro tubing is 2" diameter also, so maybe one of those would fit.

