View Full Version : Glaser Arsenal

David DeCristoforo
10-07-2011, 4:58 PM
Yesterday FedEx attempted delivery of the B&B prize package from Glaser/Hitec and, if you can believe it, I was not at home! In fact no one was at home which was a bummer because the delivery required a signature! So today I made dang sure someone was here to sign for it. A pretty mundane image to be sure:


BUT... inside... now that's another story. No, it's not a giant set of pick-up sticks but a veritable arsenal of incredible turning tools. (Caution: the following image is very graphic and may incite tool lust in mature adults. Therefore it should only be viewed by those accompanied by children under the age of eleven.)


From top to bottom:
1" Square Edge Scraper
1" Spindle Gouge
7/16" Oval Bowl Gouge
3/4" Skew
7/16" Detail gouge
3/8" Bedan
3/8" Beading Tool

Since I already have two Glaser screw chucks and several larger bowl gouges, I asked Paulo to substitute the Bedan and the beading tool for the screw chuck and the 1/2" bowl gouge that were listed in the prize package. He readily agreed to this so now I have some tools that I have really wanted and needed.

I have to say that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by this. It has been several weeks now since the excitement of winning the "beauty" competition kept me up for several nights. But today, all of the excitement has returned. I can't thank everyone enough for this. The admins over at WTA, the voters, the judges, Paulo, and everyone who participated, all of you have contributed to making this a great day! And thanx to all of you here on SMC for being here to share it with!

Phil Landwer
10-07-2011, 5:00 PM
Wow...those are so sweet.

Tim Rinehart
10-07-2011, 5:01 PM
Fantastic!! I'm anxiously awaiting my delivery tomorrow, and have instructed LOML that someone must stay at home while I'm out getting more wood.
Congrats David and nice haul of tools!

Chris Colman
10-07-2011, 5:42 PM
There went a paycheck!!!!!

John Keeton
10-07-2011, 6:23 PM
There went a paycheck!!!!!No paycheck on this one - this was from David's win of the B&B contest on Woodturners America site!! Freebies!! Well, in a manner of speaking, I guess.

David, that is one very nice arsenal, but please tell me that is a typo on the 1/17" detail gouge!!:D Talk about detail work!!! 1/2" or 3/8" perhaps??

David DeCristoforo
10-07-2011, 6:28 PM
"...but please tell me that is a typo on the 1/17" detail gouge!!"

I wanted a really small one...
No, really, it's typo. At least it was but I fixed it. I'm so excited I'm amazed that I could type at all!

Scott Hackler
10-07-2011, 6:30 PM
Congrats David. Thats a nice looking set of tools and I know you were already a Glaser fan, so it's fitting that you got this particular prize!

Hayes Rutherford
10-07-2011, 7:37 PM
Really like the FedEx box, tools look good as well.

Marty Eargle
10-07-2011, 8:02 PM
It's a thing of beauty. Congratulations.

Ed Morgano
10-07-2011, 8:18 PM
Congratulations again David. A well deserved prize. Now, lets see what they can do.

Tom Hamilton
10-07-2011, 8:32 PM
David, congrats on your B&B win. It was a fabulous piece. Enjoy the new tools, Tom

Harry Robinette
10-07-2011, 9:37 PM
Nice work on your winning of the contest it was well deserved, now as for the tools I think thats to many tools and you should share them sense I don't have any.
Really congrats on your win, it really was well deserved.

Bernie Weishapl
10-07-2011, 9:41 PM
Dave congrats on some really nice looking tools.

Harvey Ghesser
10-07-2011, 9:47 PM
You're one lucky guy...

David DeCristoforo
10-07-2011, 10:45 PM
"You're one lucky guy..."

That's what my wife keeps telling me...

Baxter Smith
10-07-2011, 11:44 PM
Thats amost obscene! Sometimes I think about just getting one. Well deserved....but still obscene!

Kathy Marshall
10-08-2011, 2:16 AM
Now that is a heck of a gloat...errr sharing!
Congrats on your win and congrats on your prize! Now go turn something and show us how well they work!

Bill Walsh
10-08-2011, 8:18 AM
Now that makes a tool rack full of TOP quality tools, I'm a big fan as well of the Glaser tools and Paulo!!!

Bob Rotche
10-08-2011, 8:26 AM
Congratulations, David. They are well deserved and I'm sure you will do them proud!

David DeCristoforo
10-08-2011, 2:10 PM
"Thats amost obscene..."

Well... yes... It is isn't it? But as JK pointed out, it's pretty much of a "freebee" so I figure a little of this kind of obscenity will not preclude me from eternal life, at least not all by itself!

Bill Bolen
10-08-2011, 7:49 PM
That does qualify as porn for wood turners!

David DeCristoforo
10-09-2011, 11:28 AM
I understand that there is a counterpart to this somewhere in North Carolina....

Paulo Marin
10-10-2011, 9:36 AM
Congratulations to the winners. I was impressed with the results of the contest. Some of the pieces were absolutely incredible. David's win is not a surprise to me and Tim's rendition of "the beast" is extremely creative. Overall, the contest was a great way to showcase what is currently happening int he world of woodturning.

Paulo Marin

Russell Eaton
10-10-2011, 10:42 AM
Congrats David, you earned it!

Tim Rinehart
10-10-2011, 10:49 AM
I understand that there is a counterpart to this somewhere in North Carolina....
Well, as anticipated, a beautiful set of turning tools arrived Saturday afternoon, as I was in the middle of unloading/trimming/sealing a truck load of silver maple blanks from the same tree that yielded the large HF I posted in the turning forum.

The tools are beautifully made and should have no issues conquering even the most beastly of woods. From left to right, (5/8 bowl gouge I'm holding, 1" round scraper, 1" skew, 3/8" bowl gouge and 9/16" Bob Stocksdale spindle gouge in 15V. The glaser screw chuck in foreground and all tools beautifully etched with my name...guess I'll have to keep them)
Taken with the backdrop of the maple blanks I was unloading, as this is likely the first wood to turn with these tools.
It was a very welcome site indeed to see the "100% Made in America" on all of them, as all the best turning tools on the market are now!!

My sincere thanks go out to all those who helped vote me into the final round and to the judges who's job I wouldn't have wanted in the final hours.
Thanks would be incomplete without a sincere thanks to the hard work of John Hart, Keith Burns and Steve Schlumpf for their behind the scenes efforts with the great sponsors like Paulo, who without their excellent products as motivation, we may not have stretched ourselves as we all did.

I'll be sure to share my experience with these tools before the end of the week.

David DeCristoforo
10-10-2011, 12:54 PM
The truth is, these were extraordinary prizes that took this contest up at least several notches. I would have been more than happy with a couple of tools. I remain overwhelmed by every aspect of this competition.

Ron Bontz
10-10-2011, 1:59 PM
Congrats. Your exquisite work is certainly deserving. I always enjoy seeing what you and some others here at the Creek come up with. I should be so talented. I was wondering if you could tell me how long the 1/2" bedan is and what you think of it. Thanks and once again congrats on the award.

David DeCristoforo
10-10-2011, 2:38 PM
"...how long the 1/2" bedan is and what you think of it..."

Approx. 20" long with eight of that being the blade. So far I've only used it once. I honed it razor sharp and tried a few cuts and my first impression is that it is one wicked little tool! I plan to use it extensively on the stem of the new piece I am currently working on.

Ron Bontz
10-10-2011, 7:22 PM
Thanks. I have been looking for a Bedan that would hold an edge longer.

Harvey Ghesser
10-11-2011, 10:08 AM
David, both you and Tim are quite the talented pair and deserving of the Glaser HiTec grand prize. I know both of you will enjoy these exquisite tools for many years to come! Big time generous of Paulo Marin. Me? The winner of the Sponsor's Award, am awaiting my Tormek....which should be here today. Talk about luck! Name was drawn out of a hat...