View Full Version : cup and sauser

Steve bellinger
10-06-2011, 7:35 PM
Wasn't gonna post this as i didn't think it was a big deal. But i posted it else where, and folks seemed to like it, so thought i'd share.:) it's spalted maple with danash oil and multi coats lacquar. For thouse that remember the tea pot i posted a while ago, this is just part of what will become a set. still want to make a sugar bowl and milk pitcher. Will also make a larger plater for it all to sit on.
Thanks and all C&C more than welcome.

Fred Belknap
10-06-2011, 9:09 PM
Steve as always a very nice job. I'm curious how you did the little round decorations? The cup is first class especially the handle.

David E Keller
10-06-2011, 9:10 PM
Beautiful work, Steve! I still can't get over the fact that this was your first​ teapot! Fantastic!

Jim Burr
10-06-2011, 9:17 PM
So you mean this is the first one you posted...the other 15 weren't good enough? You do amazing work my friend...proud of ya!!!