View Full Version : How much EM6000?

Matt Meiser
10-06-2011, 11:52 AM
I'm building a 46" W by 110" long dining table. Since the ideal coverage numbers manufacturers publish are pretty much meaningless in the real world, I'm at a bit of a loss as to how much EM6000 to order. I used about 6 gallons on a larger kitchen (and scraped about 1gal of that off the floor it seemed). I'm thinking I should order 2-3 gallons. 3 seems like a lot, but 2 seems like I'd be cutting it close.

Jamie Buxton
10-07-2011, 10:09 AM
It will depend on how thick a coating you're putting on the table top. But I'd buy two gallons, expecting to use one gallon or less. Remember that there's lots and lots of surface area in a kitchen. An all-plywood kitchen is often 20-30 sheets of plywood, and for quite a few of them you're coating both sides -- doors and shelves. Your table is basically one sheet of plywood.

Larry Fox
10-07-2011, 10:16 AM
I actually think for that a gallon might do it. A gallon of EM6000 layed down at the recommended 2mil wet thickness covers quite a bit of surface area. I am doing a kitchen right now and will be spraying most of the components this weekend using EM8000 and I only have 2 gallons. Different product but should be close. I did a small kitchen a bit ago and did 3x coats of 2mil wet and used < 2 gallons. However, it should be noted that I used pre-finished ply for the carcases.

Derek Stockley
10-09-2011, 9:31 AM
I did some living room tables with EM6000 on the top and I didn't find it suitable for that application. It worked great on the legs and side surfaces, but it scratched too easily for the top. It's quite possible that the reason for my difficulties was user-error on my part, so I posed the question here: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?150767-Target-EM6000-scratching-easily-what-did-I-do-wrong and got some good advice that you might want to consider before you commit. In particular, Conrad suggested some alternate products in Target's line that I'm planning to try in the future.

Matt Meiser
10-09-2011, 10:40 AM
Derek, in fact my plan is to spray everything with 6000, but the top is also going to get a couple coats of 9000 which is supposed to be quite hard.

Larry Fox
10-12-2011, 9:59 AM
I actually think for that a gallon might do it. A gallon of EM6000 layed down at the recommended 2mil wet thickness covers quite a bit of surface area. I am doing a kitchen right now and will be spraying most of the components this weekend using EM8000 and I only have 2 gallons. Different product but should be close. I did a small kitchen a bit ago and did 3x coats of 2mil wet and used < 2 gallons. However, it should be noted that I used pre-finished ply for the carcases.

Update on this. Yesterday I sprayed 3x 2mil thick coats of the EM8000 on 33 raised panels, 15 average sized drawer fronts and 14 face frames (both sides) including one floor-to-ceiling one and used just over a gallon of the EM8000.

Hope this helps you estimate your needs.