View Full Version : Pen Finish question

Seth Poorman
10-06-2011, 3:26 AM
OK guys I have turned a few Pens over the years and Ive always wondered if there is a better finish than the (Hut Crystal coat {High gloss}) or the Renaissance wax ? Dont get me wrong ,I like those finishes but they are more satin finish after you handle the pen for a couple of weeks..Is there somthing that stays high gloss for a longer amount time? ... Maybe a high gloss Poly?
Thanks in advance Seth...

Jon McElwain
10-06-2011, 3:43 AM
There are some threads here on using CA glue for a finish. Super durable super and easy to apply. It can be buffed to a pretty high gloss as well.

Donny Lawson
10-06-2011, 6:56 AM
Seth, I use straight Thin CA on my pens and when finished they look like a piece of glass. It's very durable and will hold a shine.It's pretty simple. I can go from a 600 grit sanding to a CA finish in about 2-3 minutes. Start with your pen sanded to 600 grit. Next I remove the blank from the manderl and add a touch of paste wax to the ends so the CA doesn't glue the blank to the bushings. Next,put it back on the lathe and place a towel on the lathe bed.Fold a paper towel until its about 1/2" wide and turn your lathe speed down to about 300-350 rpm. Lay one end of the paper towel under the blank and let 3-5 drops of glue go on the blank while you slide the paper towel up and down the barrel 2-3 times. Spray on 1 shot of accelerator. Then repeat the same process. I can put on about 8 coats in about a min. or so. Turn your lathe up to around 800-900rpms. Then using the MM pads from 1500 to 12000 wet sand the blank making sure the blank stays wet. After that use a quick shot of Huts plastic polish and you are done. It sounds like alot but I do the entire process in just a couple of minutes from start to finish.Try it and you will see a dramatic difference.

Jim Burr
10-06-2011, 8:00 AM
I've WOP on a few oily woods in the last few weeks. Every now and then CA and oily wood don't see eye to eye. It really goes on like glass.

Chris Burgess
10-06-2011, 8:56 AM
Check out this video by Eddie Castelin on youtube. This is where I learned to CA finish. I have yet to meet a piece of wood that would not take it......I'm sure they are out there though.


Carl Civitella
10-06-2011, 9:06 AM
In all fairness there is a learning curve to the way you ultimately decide how to apply it.. Carl

Bernie Weishapl
10-06-2011, 10:24 AM
I started using a finish from General Finishes called Woodturners Finish. It is a water/oil hybrid poly. Works quite well and has a nice shine.

Jack Mincey
10-06-2011, 2:50 PM
Chris Thanks for the link, I needed a good laugh and Cap. Eddie's first couple of minutes did the trick. He also shows a simple way to finish a pen, but the first few minutes are my favorite.

Jon Lanier
10-06-2011, 7:13 PM
In my opinion CA is the best finish for a pen. High gloss and extremely durable. I think the plating of the metal will wear off before the CA will.

James Combs
10-06-2011, 9:34 PM
In my opinion CA is the best finish for a pen. High gloss and extremely durable. I think the plating of the metal will wear off before the CA will.

Ditto Jon's comment.

Seth Poorman
10-07-2011, 12:15 AM
Wow- Thanks guys for all your info, C.A. it is !! I have a pen ready to go on the mandrel ,but I think Ill take it off and try some practice runs before I do it on the good one I just finished...i wouldnt have thought that C.A. would be a good finish:eek:
Ill be sure and stock up on some T.P. too! :D

Jeff Hamilton Jr.
10-07-2011, 5:47 AM
+6 for the CA. WARNING! sometimes it can be frustrating. I tried a lot of different "youtube" video methods with 50/50 results; in frustration I ended up buying a video from a guy named Eric Anderson (no affiliation to him); google his name & CA and you'll get his site. Ever since, my pens have been flawless. He also offers a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied. As to the Ren Wax, that is a good LAST step after the CA has cured.