View Full Version : Your Woodworkers Source Order has Shipped

Joe Watson
10-06-2011, 1:01 AM
Been ordering stuff online for atleast 7,8,9 years from all kinds of different merchants and have never received a 'Order has Shipped' email like this - i think its great !

I have some great news, Joseph.

Our team of 107 hard working (and exceptionally good looking) employees has - with great care and attention - selected, packaged and shipped your order ##### on this beautiful day.

I really think you'd have enjoyed watching all the action when your order came through. When I handed it to Robert, our master packager, he looked at the order, smiled, pulled out a pair of his favorite Italian leather gloves and slid them onto his hands. "Nothing but the best," he said. And off he went! As he selected your order, he placed it all on a satin-lined chariot to transport it to the packaging center. And there's more . . .

All other 106 crew members stopped. Every last one of them. They gathered around, lit incense and candles, and watched with hushed awe as he wrapped the entire order in the finest gold-laced cardboard and stretch wrap that money can buy. Seriously, you could have heard a pin drop.

In the end, the guys were so thrilled that they wanted to throw a party just for your order. We're talking about a big fiesta with live music, a roasted pig, and a dessert spread of homemade chocolate ganache, Ukranian prune tortes, and cinnamon madeleines. You should have seen the look on the UPS driver's face when he showed up. He thought he was going to pick up the packages as usual, but instead we picked *him* up carried him down the street on our shoulders while the band played. You can imagine what happened next, right? Our neighbors came outside to see what the fuss was all about, and when they saw your beautiful order they joined in, and toasted ol' Robert who then delivered a rather moving speech on the joys of working with wood as a means to self improvement.

Someone must have called the local TV stations because the next thing I knew I had six interviews to handle for reporters who asked, "What does Joseph Watson intend to make?" But don't worry, your secret's safe. I told them, "World peace." Man! If only woodworking could do that!

Anyway, the guys hope to see pictures of what you make so we can have another party (I know what you're thinking). I hope you had a wonderful time shopping at Woodworkers Source. We enjoyed every minute of it, and we've named you "Customer of the Year." That gets you a pretty good parking spot right out front if you ever come see us. So come see us some time.

Okay, okay. You want the info, I'm sure. Your tracking information is below, or you can also get it all by logging into your at account at our website.

I hope this don't break any forum rules - i just got a big kick out of it and wanted to share.
I have nothing to do with Woodworkers Source in any way, just bought a couple things from them.


David Brimm
10-06-2011, 1:36 AM
Yeah I order stuff from them regularly and that confirmation email never fails to crack me up.. haha. Great people to deal with and good quality products in my experience...

Kathy Marshall
10-06-2011, 2:06 AM
I was just there today, one of the stores is only about 1 mile from where I work. Managed to get out of there after spending less than $30! :D

Michelle Rich
10-06-2011, 7:30 AM
thank you for sharing that..I got a great first thing in the morning giggle.

Betty Fox
10-06-2011, 8:43 AM
It does sound like something you would write up Joe.
Very funny.

Steve Vaughan
10-06-2011, 8:49 AM
Thanks for posting that! With all the stuff going on in the world today - and in some lives - that's a real pick-me-up right there! It's nice to see a company having a great time like that!

Chris Burgess
10-06-2011, 8:52 AM
What a great way to stamp their name in your brain. 95% of the time I dont even read those when I get them.

Bernie Weishapl
10-06-2011, 10:28 AM
Always nice to see something like that.

Randy Gleckler
10-06-2011, 10:31 AM
That's Great... very nice.

ray hampton
10-06-2011, 7:07 PM
I like this E-MAIL

David E Keller
10-06-2011, 9:07 PM
I think I'll order something from them just to get the email!