View Full Version : Pre gloat Gloat

keith denbesten
10-05-2011, 3:52 PM
Just placed my order for a powermatic onyx 15hh planer. Now for the long week. Delivery next Wed. After watching CL for too long, I "needed" to get off the fence. For any of you looking for power tools check toolnut. They were a good bit more cost effective than any others I checked. Great service as well. I have no connection to them other than getting my TS and now planer from them.

I know, no pics, no gloat. Pics to follow.

Aaron Berk
10-05-2011, 4:32 PM
WOW, I Googled that and it sure is one pretty machine.

Nice one:cool:
I'll be waiting for the "real" pics

Paul McGaha
10-05-2011, 6:24 PM
Congratulations Keith.

I've had the mustard flavor on that planer coming up on 2 years now. I hope you like yours as much as I like mine.


Cyrus Brewster 7
10-05-2011, 10:26 PM
Nice Keith. I am looking forward to the pics.