View Full Version : Phrugal Photo Workshop

Paul Heely
10-05-2011, 9:03 AM
Since many of us struggle with taking good photos, I thought this might be of interest to my fellow woodturners. Our own Jamie Donaldson is teaching a Phrugal Photo Studio class at the Campbell Folk School Nov. 18th~20th. Wish I lived closer, because I certainly could use some help with my photos.

Tim Rinehart
10-05-2011, 2:57 PM
I'm sure that will be a great class. I was just at the Folk School this past weekend for their Fall Festival...really fine stuff there. Learning from Jamie about getting good photos is something we all appreciate when he offers advice to improve shots we've taken. Having him for 3 days would be sure to make a huge leap in photo composition, lighting and editting.
Dang...I may have to see what's going on that weekend that I can get out of...

It's like a great menu at a restaurant looking at the classes and instructors there. I would have to add that one to list of ones I'd be interested in...along with Blacksmithing, Woodworking, Woodturning...to my bucket list.