View Full Version : This time with a bit of color - and, finally a better picture

John Spitters
10-04-2011, 8:24 PM
Just playing around, this is only the second time that I tried coloring a piece.
Curly spalted maple with red dye, and black dye for base and finial.
3 1/2"w x 14"h
Please excuse the picture as I just quickly took a pic in the fading evening light, and it's hard to see the details also the color really does not show well, but I just wanted to quickly share what I created, also still need to add a few more coats of w.o.p. I should also add that the perspective of the photo does not give the right impression as to how tall the piece is.
I'll post better pics once fully finished.


Bernie Weishapl
10-04-2011, 9:59 PM
That is a beauty. I really like the coloring, finial and pedestal. Really well done.

David E Keller
10-04-2011, 10:13 PM
Looks good to me! I like the delicate pedestal, and the coloring looks great!

Kathy Marshall
10-04-2011, 11:22 PM
Very nice! I really like the coloring and the spalt lines are cool!

Donny Lawson
10-05-2011, 6:41 AM
Beautiful color and spalting effect.

Josh Bowman
10-05-2011, 7:00 AM
It all looks great to me. Spot on to my eye.

Michelle Rich
10-05-2011, 7:26 AM
great color

John Keeton
10-05-2011, 7:32 AM
John, I sure would like to see some better pics - very nice color and looks like you did a great job on this.

Chris Burgess
10-05-2011, 9:27 AM
Sweeeet. I really like that. Nice work

Randy Gleckler
10-05-2011, 9:46 AM
That is amazing, Nice work, love the color and the elegance of the overall look. Nice work

Jim Burr
10-05-2011, 9:47 AM
What a great chunk of wood to dye! Great curl and some spalying or contrast...base/stem and finial are really cool!

Tim Rinehart
10-05-2011, 11:12 AM
Great coloring job...yea, some better pics would be welcome, but it's clear you did a fine job.
Proportions are well executed too!
Very nice work.

Bill Bolen
10-05-2011, 11:23 AM
Sweet piece! I love the way your base and finial flow into and out of the main body.

John Spitters
10-05-2011, 11:23 AM
Thanks all for the "possitive remaks"

Just really playing around with the color, and I had no idea if the end product was to turn out ok or not.
I'll get some better pics up as soon as I am able to. I'm taking my pics outside for better light but that won't happen today as it's miserable weather out ( dark and raining ) I also need to get myself a tripod for the camera maybe I'll do that today. Some day I need to put together a proper setup for taking pics, for now what I do is set up a white sheet of craft paper on a table outside under my deck, so I really need to improve this setup.

Bill Walsh
10-05-2011, 7:12 PM
Nice job John, people always seem drawn to delicate forms like this. The red against the black is a good choice in color.

John Spitters
11-23-2011, 1:48 AM
This is a form that I turned a few weeks back but with my camera skills I was unable to get a good pic.
But thanks to our guilds photographer I have a better pic to post now.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY need to get a proper set up for taking pictures.


Dan Forman
11-23-2011, 3:40 AM
With that kind of work, you really really really do! Very nice indeed.


Dennis Ford
11-23-2011, 6:27 AM
Beautiful piece, I really like how the wood grain shows through the red dye. The form is well proportioned and is very graceful.

Michelle Rich
11-23-2011, 6:28 AM
my, my. quite a stunner.

Rick Markham
11-23-2011, 6:44 AM
Gorgeous! I agree a photo setup is in order!

John Keeton
11-23-2011, 6:45 AM
A marked difference, John!! Just jump in and do the photo tent thing - it is inexpensive and quick!

Hayes Rutherford
11-23-2011, 9:24 AM
Now you've gone and done it. That piece is very cool. You need the latest Nikon, multiple lenses, photo tent, lights,,,,,

Bernie Weishapl
11-23-2011, 10:34 AM
John that is a beauty. The color lets the wood show thru and really sets if off.

Roger Chandler
11-23-2011, 10:36 AM
PURDY! Nice form.....love the spault lines!

Steve Schlumpf
11-23-2011, 10:44 AM
Very nice work John! Love all that curl!

Jim Burr
11-23-2011, 10:55 AM
Before I go googoo gaga over the whole thing...how about a little story about it! Ok...now I'll go gogo gaga!!!

John Spitters
11-23-2011, 12:51 PM
Here's the original posting
As you can see from this past post there is a definite improvement on the photo quality.


Jim Underwood
11-23-2011, 1:28 PM
Much better, as befits such fine work...

You're giving David C.* a run for his money, dontcha think?

Keep posting, I'm enjoying seeing your stuff.

*DeCristoforo- I can never get that name right...

Jon McElwain
11-23-2011, 1:57 PM
The spalting plus the dye is a combination that I do not think I have seen before. Works really well - the spalting even matches the base and final! Great looking piece!

Jamie Donaldson
11-23-2011, 4:15 PM
That's a good looking piece of work, but your guild photographer could improve his lighting scheme by unbalancing the lights, moving one side light further away and creating a more obvious height difference to eliminate the 2 headlight highlights. He did eliminate most of the barrel distortion obvious in the earlier image by using a longer focal length lens and better working distance. My tutorial for the Phrugal Photo Studio set-up is available here on site somewhere, and maybe Steve can link the source again?

Steve Schlumpf
11-23-2011, 4:23 PM
Jamie, here's the link: Jamie Donaldson's Phrugal Photo Studio (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?57168-Article-Jamie-Donaldson-s-Phrugal-Photo-Studio)

Baxter Smith
11-23-2011, 5:57 PM
Very pretty work!

Bill Bolen
11-23-2011, 7:47 PM
Beautiful piece. Glad you were able to finally show her off!

Faust M. Ruggiero
11-23-2011, 8:11 PM
Yipes!! What a difference in photography. However, same gorgeous piece.