View Full Version : sorby stebcentres

Don Palese
10-04-2011, 12:22 AM
I thinking of purchasing Sorby Stebcenter. They have 2 on their site: drive centers and live centers - I guess I just don't understand which to start with, I thought they all are "drive" center. Any help would be appreciated.


Joe Watson
10-04-2011, 2:28 AM
Dont know what a Sorby Stebcenter is, but a "live" center free spins (you can hold the tapered end in your hand and spin the pointy end with your other hand) and would go in your tail-stock and a drive center would go in the spindle (its a solid piece of metal that does not free spin); unless im miss-understanding your question.

Don Palese
10-04-2011, 3:21 AM
Thanks Joe .. Your reply did clarify it for me.


Jerry Rhoads
10-04-2011, 6:38 AM
The drive center goes in the headstock and is a great tool (highly recomended by a lot of woodturners) I have three sizes of these, with the 3/4" being the most used. I also have a 3/4" live center Steb fot the tailstock end. Not a nessecity(sp) but I have it so I use it. I use it quite a bit also.
Tere are some look alikes out there.(I bought some for my students use) I do not like the angle of the teeth on these. I prefer to pay extra for the Steb Center.

Eric Holmquist
10-04-2011, 5:40 PM
Like Jerry said the drive goes in the headstock and spreads the drive force out over a whole bunch of teeth. The live steb has the same tooth pattern as the drive steb, but like the live centers where you have a point and a ring, the load on the tailstock end gets spread out. If you have a low end live center the live steb is a real upgrade. If you have a high end live center like Oneway or Nova, you are probably as good as you are going to get except for a slight edge if you are doing spindle work and need to reverse the piece, if you have a step at both ends, you end up with matching tooth patterns and easier re-true. Much like the combo of a Oneway Safety Drive and the Oneway Live center.