View Full Version : 'The Eternal Prisoner'-sculpture

Johnny Taylor
10-03-2011, 3:23 PM
A sculptural piece with a pyro decorated sphere inside a pierced skeleton sphere through which it will not fit! The ring is 11" wide and 2" thick, its been heavily carved,ebonised and silver added to the high spots.There is not room here to go into the meaning of it but a detailed explaination of the thoughts behind it is posted on my blog if anyone is interested(linked under 'homepage' in my profile).
This is also my 3rd woodturning anniversary piece(I first put tool to wood in October 2008)

Comments and critiques are very much more than welcome.


John Keeton
10-03-2011, 4:45 PM
Johnny, I don't even want to think about the hours you have in this one!! Very nice concept that has been executed with precision. Great pics, too!

Scott Hackler
10-03-2011, 5:00 PM
Johnny, I have always been drawn towards heavily textured pieces and this is no exception. Love the way the ring turned out and the smaller pieces are fantastic on thier own. As a whole though, I find the combination a little off. I can't quite put my finger on it though. I think, again just me, that it appears to be two separate pieces instead of one. Excellent work with each element.

That ring really has my creative juices going.

David E Keller
10-03-2011, 6:34 PM
I like it! Very creative, and it definitely shows your turning skill and creative ability!Just thinking out loud, but I wonder how this would look if each piece were perfectly centered within the sculpture rather than resting near the bottom. I love it as is... Just thinking out loud.

David DeCristoforo
10-03-2011, 7:01 PM
This is cool. My mind wants to see it in motion like with the outer ring rotating one way and the inner cage going the other. Can you make it do that? Somehow I keep wanting to look for a switch to turn it on...

Eric Holmquist
10-03-2011, 7:12 PM
Amazing at many levels, form texture, color...

Faust M. Ruggiero
10-03-2011, 7:14 PM
I am not always enamored by heavily textured pieces but this one is a masterpiece. I have a hard enough time making a bowl round so this is way beyond anything I could even imagine. My hat is off to your imagination and your skill sets. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Bernie Weishapl
10-03-2011, 9:09 PM
That is just to cool. Great imagination and excellent work.

Alan Trout
10-03-2011, 9:10 PM
That is a beautiful piece of art. Well done.


Harry Robinette
10-03-2011, 11:38 PM
Really nice piece, your definitely thinking outside the box. I don't do things like this much but still like this one.

Johnny Taylor
10-05-2011, 6:16 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments :)
David K mentioned about everything being centred, this is something I thought about when sketching the idea but came to these conclusions, if I centred the cage, it could only realistically be done by attaching it to chain or string from the top or a rod or similar connected to the outer circle, which I didn't really want to do as this would fix it so that the centre sphere could not be easily moved. As it is the sphere in a sphere can be picked up and looked at, which I feel is a nice bit of interactivity, after all it is decorated all the way round. The other and main reason it sits at the bottom is that visually the small sphere is to the cage as the cage is to the ring, this brings an easy on the eye balance and ties the pieces together(along with the silver in all 3 parts) I hope....:o

Tony De Masi
10-05-2011, 6:38 PM
Wonderful piece Johnny. Thanks for sharing with us mere mortals.

Johnny Taylor
10-06-2011, 6:09 AM
Thanks Tony:)

Dan Hintz
10-06-2011, 6:26 AM
It has a very dark, spacey (as in NASA) undertone to it... I definitely like.

Paul Heely
10-06-2011, 7:40 AM
Nice looking piece. I'm always amazed at the creativity some people have.