View Full Version : Harrison Laser Hollowing System

Ian James Webster
09-30-2011, 1:58 PM
Does any one have any experience with the Harrison Laser Hollowing system? Looks like a very attractive price if it works. Too good to be true?


Thank you


David DeCristoforo
09-30-2011, 2:14 PM
Never used one, seen one or even heard of it. But at first glance I would venture to say that it looks like one of those deals where you will get what you pay for.

Matt Owen
09-30-2011, 4:38 PM
That thing looks way to flimsy to be useful. Maybe if you only hollow 2" deep it might work, but any further and that tool post will start flexing pretty bad. That is, unless something else doesn't give in first.

Dale Winburn
09-30-2011, 5:08 PM
I would never use a hollowing tool to rough-out a bowl as in the video, I can rough-out a bowl that size in less than 10 minutes with my Easy Wood Tool Ci1 Rougher. I guess at the thickness by feel, don't need a laser for that.

Ian James Webster
09-30-2011, 5:10 PM
Thanks for the input - I thought it looked flimsey as well. I'll keep saving for more substantial system.

Bill Walsh
09-30-2011, 9:14 PM
The first thing that came to mind besides the light duty overall construction was the flat plate that rides in the rear support, with all that surface contact its hard to believe the tool would ride smoothly. Its hard to beat a Jamison style system, round bars riding on round bars that are waxed will give you a smooth and controlable cut.