View Full Version : Creek Waders Weekend Accomplishments...

Dennis Peacock
04-21-2003, 12:32 AM
Well, another weekend has come and gone. Now its time to tell what you did over the weekend...shop time or not....

Well....what I did was several trips to the local big box store to keep getting stuff I needed for:

1. Dust collection hookup to my tablesaw.
2. Necessary items to complete the wireless remote for the cyclone DC system.
3. Wood to make the fine dust box to sit under the filter on the outlet side of the cyclone.

I got the wireless remote finished and it works <b>GREAT!!!</b>
Here is a pic of the completed wireless remote setup. The power to the 110V coil on the contactor is supplied via the wireless remote and the 220V line is hooked up on one side of the contactor and the "load" (cyclone) is hooked up on the other side on the contactor. I will have full details on my web site sometime this week.<BR>
<img src="http://home.alliancecable.net/~woodworker/wirelessremote.jpg">
I also finished up the DC hookup to my tablesaw. <B>Yes</b>, I did cut my cabinet but the DC hookup was well worth the cabinet cutting. The 6" by 8" adapter is set high enough and yet low enough for the sawdust to be thrown almost directly at the dust shoot and there is enough suction from the cyclone that my throat plate takes a little tugging to get it out of the saw. Needless to say that sawdust will NOT escape my DC system from now on. Here is a pic of the hookup.
<img src="http://home.alliancecable.net/~woodworker/tsdchookup.jpg"><BR><BR>
Other than that......that is about all I had time to work on this weekend. I had to do "work" stuff for "work" this weekend as well so my time was a little limited.

Best of Weeks......!!!

Bob Nazro
04-21-2003, 8:47 AM
Where did you get the flange for the blaste gate? I have been looking for a source. I need to make some 4" and 6" gates for an upgrade to my system.

Dennis Peacock
04-21-2003, 9:14 AM
I got the starter flanges from Dust Eliiminator (http://www.dusteliminator.com) . You can purchase them online and they have 4", 6" and 8" flanges.

Bob Lasley
04-21-2003, 9:15 AM
not a whole lot of woodworking. I, like Dennis, did get my remote control hooked up to my dust collector. Got a little work done on a project I am doing for a friend. Did some gardening Friday. Saturday was raining and storming, but wound up doing something totally unexpected.........looking at real estate!

SWMBO and I have been talking about moving back to the country for some time so we would have room for a bigger shop and bigger garden. Looked at a website listing places for sale and found one that she liked the looks of and wanted to look at. 22 acres with an "ok" house, about a 600 sq ft shop, barn, storage shed, cellar, fenced, small pond, etc. We are going back for a second look this evening and will probably make an offer.

I am excited about the prospects, but dread selling this house and the moving.

Have a good week all,

keith zimmerman
04-21-2003, 10:39 AM
I went up to Terry Quiram's Saturday and he was having an ash tree dropped. He gave me a lot of the wood. He also gave me some other woods. I was able to take his new Delta 16" lathe for a test run on a piece of the ash. That is one nice lathe. The ash turned out to have some really nice grain too. Once it dries and I finsh turn it, it should be beautiful.

I also stopped by a guy from works's place Sunday and picked up some black cherry. The guy was disappointed that I didn't have a larger vehicle and was only able to get two pices of the wood in my car. I cut some of it into blanks last night and started turning a bowl. Wow! It turns really nicely. This is my first experience with cherry.

All in all, I probably hauled about 1000 lbs home this weekend. I now have plenty of wood for turning.


Ron Taylor
04-21-2003, 12:02 PM
and parked the Freightliner until about mid-July. 6881 miles and its good to be back in Alabama. Had a really good trip though. Had some snow in Idaho and blew a tire in New Mexico. Otherwise, uneventful.

Except for the OOPS!!!

Made it to Seattle with some extra time, so decided to have a "first" and go up to Canada just to say I'd been there. Rented a car and drove the 2 hours or so to Vancouver. Had a really nice meal and headed back to the U.S.

I didn't know you had to have a passport or birth certificate to get back in!!!

After a short time of background checks, lots of questions, and a stern warning, the nice man wearing combat fatigues and sidearm relented and let us back over the border with just our driver's license. Lesson learned!!!

Its good to be home and looking forward to making some sawdust.

Lee Schierer
04-21-2003, 12:21 PM
I made six doors for a cabinet that only needs two. Man, I thought I needed my brain adjusted. Made the first set too short, made the second set too wide. I have the third set in progress, so hopefully they turn out okay. I'm getting pretty good at all the setups necessary for each of the cuts. I don't know why I'm having so much trouble. It isn't like I've never made 3/8 overlay doors before.

John Miliunas
04-21-2003, 7:56 PM
No real shop time, to speak of. Had to replace several stair treads going up to the deck, then layed a bunch of patio blocks at the rear entry to the family room. No motorized tamperer, so it was a wide board rigged on the end of my LARGE and HEAVY splitting maul. I'm *still* sore! Sunday was Easter celebrating and way too much food! I did manage to get in the shop for a bit on old hand plane refurbishing, but that's about it. Have a great week, everyone!:cool:

Jeff Cybulski
04-21-2003, 8:04 PM
Took down the greenhouse I made in Dec. ( after SWMBO bought home a bunch of tropical plants from Ca.) Used some of the wood to build a planter for the orchids and palms. The rest I cut up to burn in the Chimenay. Like Bob, we looked at property on Sunday - but will wait and see what happens with AA ( my customer and if they go belly up...who knows where we will end up)

Have a safe week.


Jim Izat
04-21-2003, 8:11 PM
Dennis do you find the dc pipe on the floor bothersome, or did you put it in a location without much traffic?


Bruce Page
04-21-2003, 8:49 PM
I finished up the cherry & birds-eye end panels for the cradle I’m making for my daughter. I was concerned about tear-out when I routed the birds-eye, but the new Jesada panel bit cut like a dream. Oh ya, I fertilized the lawns too.

The pic is a dry run to see how well the clamping blocks work.

Jim Baker
04-21-2003, 9:26 PM
I didn't spend as much time in the shop as I had originally planned. The weather was so beautiful that I spent most of my time playing baseball with the kids.

While in the shop, I spent most of my time makiing raised panel doors.

Jason Roehl
04-21-2003, 10:37 PM
Well, let's see, I got home 5pm Saturday from a 3-day work trip to KY (sanded and finished 2400 sf of white pine floors with one other guy--more on that in another post on WC), did diddly squat on Sunday, save for church, nap and grilling brats for supper. I was bushed. Didn't do much today, either, except the most important thing--got batch#2 of the homebrew underway--the yeast are discovering a new feast as we speak. Okay, that's second most important. I played with and read to the kids this evening.

Life is looking up, now I just have to have a month's worth of patience on that beer.

Dennis Peacock
04-22-2003, 3:55 PM
I didn't run any PVC on the floor of the shop except where the TS hookup was and this is an extremely low traffic area.

Jim Young
04-22-2003, 8:25 PM
Unlike the Akry, I didn't get any shop time. Went down to Louisville to visit my parents. Ever the Mom, she sent me home with a project, fix her old ottoman. Was 80deg in KY, this morning it snowed here.