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View Full Version : 600 Names to engrave

Peter Meacham
09-28-2011, 12:18 PM
OK, so I have to engrave a common logo and 600 individual names on 600 wood boxes.

I can fit 5 boxes in the engraver at a time.

What methods have you used to do a print merge job such as this please?

Bob Davis
09-28-2011, 12:49 PM
I like to keep it simple. Import the list as text to CorelDraw, re-arrange as necessary so that there is one name per line, break the text apart so it is now 600 individual names and then position the first 5 to the logos as necessary. Have the required names and logos selected and hit print with "selection" ticked in the print dialogue box.
Move the now-printing names off the sheet, line up the next 5 and repeat (119 times).

matthew knott
09-28-2011, 1:54 PM
wow, is that really the easiest way to do a job like that, (not that i know a better one) just surprised as that seems long winded, on our galvo co2 we set a program that has the text size,font, laser settings and justification in it, then send it to the laser, the computer will ask us to open a text file and everytime we press the go button it will pull in the next name. If the program has 5 lines of text it will simply pull 5 lines from the text file each time. Is this a limitation of not having a software package and only having a printdriver, does anyone make a program that does a mail merge?

Mike Mackenzie
09-28-2011, 3:37 PM
Search for carl sewell (sp) macro's there is one that will do what you want.

Mike Null
09-28-2011, 4:07 PM
I have a couple of Carl's macros and they are great. He is very reasonable. You can contact him at: csewell@hiwaay.net

Zlatko Kursar
09-29-2011, 2:14 AM
You can use PrintMerge in Corel. It is very simple.

Bill Jermyn
09-29-2011, 4:53 AM
Roy Brewer has an excellent video on Print Merge on youtube.

Peter Meacham
09-29-2011, 8:09 AM
Thanks for the inputs, I will investigate each.

Matthew - may I borrow your Galvo for a few days...;)