View Full Version : Laminated Stopper (now w/pics)

James Combs
09-28-2011, 9:17 AM
I mentioned this stopper in a previous thread but thought it deserved a little more detailed "exposure".:rolleyes:

It is made from multiple glue ups of scrap pieces of 3/4" double faced "A-A" plywood. The plywood was Cherry veneered on one side and Oak on the other. What you see here is three pieces of scrap glued together and then cut at a 45* angle into turning blocks. I thought it made a great looking "faux-segmented" piece.:D:cool:

This is a close up of the laminated stopper. The very thin dark wood is the the glue joint of the Cherry onto the Oak.

This is a pic of the original plywood. I dampened it with some mineral spirits to show the finished color. Does anyone have any idea as to the core wood species. The darker cores(laminations) look like walnut.

Note - I am having trouble uploading pics. (Solved at least for this posting) This time I switched from normal browser, Firefox, to IE (Internet Explorer). Everything worked first time. Of course I have had Firefox work first time also.:rolleyes::confused:

James Combs
09-28-2011, 12:48 PM
Bump - Photo upload problem Solved