View Full Version : Soomoki: the Shell Game

charlie knighton
09-28-2011, 8:50 AM
15 x 15.........

Bernie Weishapl
09-28-2011, 10:47 AM
Cool piece Charlie. Very interesting piece.

Bill Embrey
09-28-2011, 11:11 AM
I am really diggin' these pieces Charlie... whole new take on things to do with a lathe.

Scott Hackler
09-28-2011, 12:19 PM
Charlie, this is an interesting direction you've been going. Overall the piece is appealing, but I find the pine (?) board in the back, very distracting on several accounts. First the color contrast is wrong for my eye. I believe the board in the rear should be darker than the focal piece in front and second the use of pine (if that is what it is) isn't "good enough" for being included in this piece. Now I understand that cost plays a factor in placing a "good" variety of wood in the back, but think that natural finish is likely the root of my objection. I would guess I would like this a whole lot more (even with the pine) IF the back board was either painted a dark color or stained a dark color. Then it wouldn't compete for the visual vocal point.

At least from my view....

charlie knighton
09-28-2011, 3:57 PM
thanks for your comments Bernie, Bill, Scott.

but I find the pine (?) board in the back, very distracting on several accounts

yes, i did have some extra pine/white wood? whatever and yes it does need a dark wall to hang on, with picture i used black background. the spring expression show @ Piedmont Arts, most of the walls are colored, some are white in back room. i will probably put 2 pieces in the show come spring. i like the contrast of the white wood and the cherry personally, but thank you for pointing out your visual senses. btw, i use the back board to suggest a parallel world/5th dimension,black hole...etc as in The Grind. not sure if i have not used it enough, the series is definitly still in the evolving stage.

Baxter Smith
09-28-2011, 11:00 PM
I can't say I especially love art along these lines Charlie, but I do find the things you have done lately very interesting to look at. Probably much more so than the art I do "like". Looking forward to your next one!