View Full Version : Ash Blanket Chest - Frame and Panel

Randy Gazda
09-23-2011, 11:18 PM
This is my most recent project. The lumber came from my family's farm in Minnesota. The crotch grain panels are from some wood I had milled over 10 years ago. I finally decided this was the right project to use the wood on. The floor of the chest is eastern red cedar. The torsion hingles are from Rockler and are awesome, the aren't cheap but quality never is. The finish is Miniwax poly, first coat brush on and then a couple coats of spray on.

I make one or two blanket chests for local charity auctions. This one will be sold Saturday evening.

gary Zimmel
09-23-2011, 11:33 PM
Fine looking blanket chest Randy. Those panels are something else..
I'm sure it will bring a nice price in the auction...

Hans Braul
09-24-2011, 3:47 AM
Looks fantastic! The crotch figure is amazing, and the whole thing is beautifully done. Congrats.


Danny Hamsley
09-24-2011, 8:06 AM
It should bring 4 figures.