View Full Version : Router table on steroids, is it a gloat, or.........

Rick Potter
09-20-2011, 11:07 AM
Have I gone a tool to far?? A couple days ago I had never heard of a horizontal panel router, now it is sitting on my truck. I am talking about a Safety Speed Cut TR2, made by the company that makes professional panel saws. Google SSC TR2 for info, if you are as uninformed as I was.

This baby has a big PC router, riding on rails which crosscuts 36" dados, has air lockdowns to hold the wood, with dust collection built in. It locks in place so you can run dados or edges on long panels also. The best price I have found for a new one is $3139, not including options, like the air clamp system ($699), the dust collection, or the measuring stops I don't have($1300).

Being a tool junkie of the first magnitude, I jumped on it, just beating out two other buyers, and bought it for $500, including a mobile base. I didn't even try to talk the seller down, which is very unusual for me. The icing on the cake was that I only went about two miles to get it.

SO.......the question remains, is this monster WAY past hobbiest needs, or will I like it enough to give it some space in the shop?? After getting it home, common sense prevailed, and I cannot stop thinking I would be better off with a track setup for my needs. I guess I will just unload it and play with it for a while. Could be, there will be a great deal on a table router (not 'router table') coming up . Stay tuned.

Rick Potter

PS: If anyone can put in a link to a picture of it, I would appreciate it.

Bill Edwards(2)
09-20-2011, 12:38 PM
This it?

Rick Potter
09-20-2011, 12:47 PM
Yup, that's it, except mine has air clamps. Just your average little router table.

Thanks, Bill.

Rick Potter

Rick Potter
09-23-2011, 2:36 PM
OK, I decided. It was actually easy. I don't have enough room to dedicate to it in my shop. It has to go.

Rick Potter

Ben West
09-23-2011, 4:31 PM
Oh man. With a little jigging, do you know how easy it would be to cut tenons with that thing? I'm not sure I could give it up now that you have it.

Bruce Page
09-23-2011, 4:48 PM
I'm with Ben. For the price you paid, I'd find a use for it if I had the room!
I don't quite understand why they call it a horizontal table router tho.. :confused:

Steve Kohn
09-24-2011, 2:55 PM
What a great way to flatten big panels or workbench tops. How big is this thing?

Rick Potter
09-26-2011, 12:48 AM

It crosscuts 36", meaning you could do a top 36" wide by whatever length you want. Did you see the pics in the classified? I finally learned how to put them in.
