View Full Version : Tool gloat...

Russell Eaton
09-19-2011, 8:08 PM
I went to the Ga. turning symposium this weekend. I met Doug Thompson.... nuf said. Here is the result of our chat. One 3/8" V bowl gouge, and a 1/2" bowl gouge. I used it to rough out the bowls in the picture. One is Elm, a Poplar, and a Sycamore. The bowls were all rough turned and warped like crazy. The shot in the handle made it a pleasure to turn. It took out most of the vibration and cut like a dream. I then roughed out 2 oak bowls that started spalting under water. I will show those once they have dried. Anyhow thanks for reading and thanks to Doug for the AWESOME tools. He is a real nice fellow if you ever get the chance to meet him.

charlie knighton
09-19-2011, 8:24 PM
nice bowls, do you have any pictures of Ga. turning symposium ?

John Keeton
09-19-2011, 8:39 PM
I have found conversations with Doug are always an expensive endeavor for me!! But, I do intend to have another with him at the OVWG Symposium in a couple weeks!!

Very nice work on the bowls, BTW.

Russell Eaton
09-19-2011, 8:40 PM
I only took a couple with my phone. It was not near the turnout as last year. Less vendors and visitors, at least that is what I thought.

Bernie Weishapl
09-19-2011, 9:18 PM
Really nice looking bowls and congrats on the tools. Talking with Doug can be expensive.

gary Zimmel
09-19-2011, 9:59 PM
Can't sneak enough tools into the shop... Nice score on the tools from Doug and nice job on the bowls.

Jim Burr
09-19-2011, 10:16 PM
Dgug and I are over due for a chat...I am in need of 5/8th of his time! Well done bowls by the way!

Doug Thompson
09-20-2011, 12:44 AM
It was good to meet you and the rest of the guys, they said this symposium was smaller this year but it was still a good crowd. The location is beautiful and the food was good every meal. I'll be back next year... glad you liked the tools.

Kathy Marshall
09-20-2011, 12:58 AM
Very nice bowls Russell! and congrats on the new tools!
Conversations with Doug may get a little expensive, but it sure is a pleasant way to spend a little $.

Bill Boehme
09-20-2011, 1:57 AM
Very nice set of bowls.

I had a very brief conversation with Doug at SWAT a few weeks ago and as a result, my inventory of bowl gouges increased a bit. I no longer have any more storage space in my shop for turning tools so it is high time that I start putting them to use. BTW, things were very busy at SWAT. It looked like there was always a crowd around Doug's place. There were lots of vendors and a new record attendance of over 800. And ... I spent a record amount of money on all sorts of new toys including a Robust American Beauty (not that I am gloating about it :D).

Lupe Duncan
09-20-2011, 6:05 AM
I had a 5/8 V chat with Doug last week. Great guy. and VERY nice tool......

Russell Eaton
09-20-2011, 7:57 AM
I did warn him that I am a toolaholic and he would hear from me again. I used the Tormek to sharpen both tools and they have not seen it since then.

John Keeton
09-20-2011, 8:18 AM
I did warn him that I am a toolaholic and he would hear from me again.Russell, I gotta tell ya' - that wasn't a smart move!!! Think about this - would a drug addict tell his supplier how hooked he is?!?!?;) Now, every time Doug sees you at an event, he is going to entice you over to his booth! I can only imagine the stock of tools you are going to end up with!:D

Russell Eaton
09-20-2011, 8:22 AM
Russell, I gotta tell ya' - that wasn't a smart move!!! Think about this - would a drug addict tell his supplier how hooked he is?!?!?;) Now, every time Doug sees you at an event, he is going to entice you over to his booth! I can only imagine the stock of tools you are going to end up with!:DYou know what they say John, Just one tool away from GREATNESS...

Doug W Swanson
09-20-2011, 8:37 AM
I think one of the best things about Doug Thompson is that he won't steer you in the wrong direction. He'll ask you all the right questions and then sell you just what you need.

Both Doug and his wife are GREAT people!

Harry Robinette
09-20-2011, 9:48 PM
You all think it's bad to see Doug at the symposiums, Try living 45 minutes away AND be a toolaholic. Oh well it's just money.