View Full Version : 1st tea pot

Steve bellinger
09-18-2011, 7:01 PM
The wife has been wanting me to make her a tea pot, after showing her Mike and Cynthia Gibsons tea pots. Well to get my self out of the dog house with her, this is what i came up with. It's about 4 x 7 1/2,spalted maple, and walnut.I know it's not any where near Mike and Cynthia's, but she likes it, so for now i'm good to go.:D

Dennis Ford
09-18-2011, 7:07 PM
Really nice, it has great wood, design and workmanship. You put a lot of thought (and work) into this and it shows.

Harvey Ghesser
09-18-2011, 7:23 PM
Steve, I felt compelled to compliment you on your tea pot. It's beautiful!

James Combs
09-18-2011, 7:26 PM
Great!! Man, I wish I could carve... anything! That is just beautiful.

Marty Eargle
09-18-2011, 7:56 PM
Great combinations of wood and a wonderful first teapot! Heck...that's a wonderful 20th teapot.

Curt Fuller
09-18-2011, 7:57 PM
Steve, Steve, Steve! That is one of the best I've seen! I love the wood colors and that design you did around the opening is perfect. Very, very nice!

Jim Burr
09-18-2011, 8:19 PM
That my friend is over the top!!! Why is it that everything you touch turns to gold!!

John Keeton
09-18-2011, 8:24 PM
Great work, Steve!!! The wood combo and carving really add a lot of character. Very good proportions and a nice piece of wood in the "pot", too!

Alan Trout
09-18-2011, 8:25 PM
Excellent first tea pot. Very well done.


Steve bellinger
09-18-2011, 8:27 PM
Thanks all i do appreciate it. Curt that really means a lot coming from you. Jim now you know that most of my stuff ain't worth showing.

Baxter Smith
09-18-2011, 8:59 PM
Very nice design and wood combinations! The colors really go well together. Looks great to me. You may have to do another!

Roger Chandler
09-18-2011, 10:10 PM
Wow Steve.......impressive! I think you are unleashing your inner R-teeeest! ;)

Steve Vaughan
09-18-2011, 10:58 PM
That's a beautiful teapot! Love the maple and walnut, and it's a great design all around!

Bernie Weishapl
09-18-2011, 11:04 PM
Really nice teapot. Nice wood combo.

robert raess
09-19-2011, 1:22 AM
How are the handle and spout fastened,and does the pot have a hole to to receive the hollow spout..just curious. very nice work. i am scheduled to do my first in the next ten days. Rob

Steve bellinger
09-19-2011, 4:22 AM
How are the handle and spout fastened,and does the pot have a hole to to receive the hollow spout..just curious. very nice work. i am scheduled to do my first in the next ten days. RobRobert the handle and spout are put on using 2 part exposy. I did hollow out the spout, but didn't put a hole in the pot, as i figured the exposy would seep in to it and mess with the inside.might change that on the next one. Thanks again all for the support ya give.

Norm Zax
09-19-2011, 9:21 AM
Wouldnt waste time on drilling holes unless you cover the whole inside (including spout) with epoxy. Still, I would start a hole on both sides (end of spout and internal entrance to spout) just to complete the convincing shape. You can even suffice with the drawing of a black patch inside to fool the quick glance.
Well made pot !!!

Jay MacDougall
09-19-2011, 3:49 PM
Nicely done Steve, how did you contour the spout and handle to match up with the outside of the pot? Making one is on my to do list.

Scott Hackler
09-19-2011, 3:59 PM
Really nice work. That one would pass, well, for a 15th teapot... let alone a first one!!

Steve bellinger
09-19-2011, 4:15 PM
Nicely done Steve, how did you contour the spout and handle to match up with the outside of the pot? Making one is on my to do list.Jay to get the contour i used a oscillating sander, dremal with a sanding drum, and hand sanding. As i've been a carpenter for over 30 years, i find it fairly easy to match two pieces of wood together. Just a matter of taking off a little at a time till you like it. hope that helpedd.
Thanks again all.

Mike Willeson
09-19-2011, 7:36 PM
That is beautiful Steve...it would get anyone in good graces with the mrs!

There are starting to be more of these tea pots showing up on the threads and they are fascinating.

Are there any "how to" threads or articles out there to help someone get started if they would like to try one (I would!)?

Rick Markham
09-19-2011, 11:42 PM
Steve that's awesome! I'm liking the teapots. That's a brilliant first!