View Full Version : The woodworking shows - comments, suggestions, general info wanted

Craig Michael
09-15-2011, 9:35 AM
I have not been to a woodworking show before, I am getting into furniture making more now vs. carpentry. This show in coming up in my area during the winter and I thought I would start to get some info on it or other shows. I've never been so I'd like to hear peoples experiences, tips, etc. and start an open conversation so I can get some info and others in a similar situation can also.


Here is the show that is going to be in my area, it's nationwide so it might be in your area too. http://cms.thewoodworkingshows.com/cms/

Don Jarvie
09-15-2011, 9:53 AM
If you have never been to one, go. From 1 to 10 I'd give it a 6.5. There are some good demos but they are pushing a product during them but you can pick up some tips. Lee Valley has a great booth same with Woodpeckers. Peachtree has lots of things to sell and there are others like Woodline selling tools.

Its fun to poke around and see what's there.


Bob Wingard
09-15-2011, 11:13 AM
They used to be really worthwhile, but that was 15-20 years ago. Just like computer shows & gun shows, things have changed ... for the worse. We still go, but more for the chance to get out as a group and spend some time together ... I can't remember the last time I made a large purchase at a show. Most of the biggest & best vendors have quit attending, and are courting online sales instead ... can't blame them, space at shows is very expensive. The one show we never miss is I.W.F. in Atlanta which happens in even numbered years. Even it has shrunk, but it's still the largest trade show in North America ... will happen again in August of 2012.

Callan Campbell
09-15-2011, 12:22 PM
+1 On the other posts. Go to one and make up you own mind. I only started going to them a few years ago, so I don't have the perspective of more than a decade to draw and reflect on. I almost always buy something at Peachtree so I don't have mail order it in during the next few months. Shop/project Casters and Foam brushes are almost always a good 'show' buy with Peachtree. I always see something that catches my eye, and if you go with a friend or two, it's a good day for a 'buddy' outing to hang out, esp. if they know less about woodworking than you do and you take the time to explain things to them like a guide....

Tom Walz
09-15-2011, 12:34 PM
Try a local show or two.

Las Vegas in July is bigger. Atlanta is even larger.

Other than that I think the folks above pretty well nailed it.

If you are new then schedule your visits for the classes.


Jerome Hanby
09-15-2011, 2:47 PM
When is the one in Atlanta? That might be within my striking distance...

Try a local show or two.

Las Vegas in July is bigger. Atlanta is even larger.

Other than that I think the folks above pretty well nailed it.

If you are new then schedule your visits for the classes.


Rick Alexander
09-15-2011, 3:13 PM
I thought I heard at the last Atlanta IWF was that would be the last show in Atlanta. I think they only do Vegas now every other year. I hope I'm wrong because that is one awesome show. You will need a few days to see all of it but about 85% of it is geared toward the big boys in the business. I bought a 8 inch spiral jointer (Oliver) at the last one at a pretty darn good deal.

Lee Schierer
09-15-2011, 3:15 PM
I agree that you should go, but if you do go prepared and know what the prices are for things that you are interested in. Show specials aren't always so special to the unwary buyer. Also be prepared to see other stuff being demonstrated such as salad makers, sponge mops, wiping towels etc.

Bob Wingard
09-15-2011, 3:47 PM
I thought I heard at the last Atlanta IWF was that would be the last show in Atlanta. I think they only do Vegas now every other year. I hope I'm wrong because that is one awesome show. You will need a few days to see all of it but about 85% of it is geared toward the big boys in the business. I bought a 8 inch spiral jointer (Oliver) at the last one at a pretty darn good deal.
