View Full Version : Peppermill. This one is modeled after Peggy's Cove lighthouse.

Betty Fox
09-14-2011, 12:54 PM
Now on to the twirly red one. 12 inch with three coats of WOP.

Tony De Masi
09-14-2011, 1:35 PM
Very nice work Betty and I have a feeling it's quite accurate too. I'll have to dig out my photo's from 1979 to be sure though.:D

Joe Watson
09-17-2011, 9:17 PM
Had to take some time for that glue up (how many pieces ?), great looking end result.

Betty Fox
09-17-2011, 11:24 PM
Fifteen rings. Twelve segments each. The fifteen rings can be glued up in a day. The next task is to glue two rings together each day and drill the 1 1/16 hole the next day for the body. 13 rings that's 6 days. Then you get to shape the body and glue up the top. That's another two days. The segmenting lets you get very creative with the colors and such. It's just very time consuming. Thanks.

Bernie Weishapl
09-17-2011, 11:33 PM
Betty that is a beauty and well done.

Steve Schlumpf
09-17-2011, 11:59 PM
Wow - that is quite the project! Very nice work Betty!

Joe Watson
09-18-2011, 2:15 AM
The more you learn about something or the process taken, makes one appreciate it more.
Ive turned two segmented things, seeing work like you posted here makes me want to do more :)

.... The next task is to glue two rings together each day and drill the 1 1/16 hole the next day for the body....
So when you glued the segments of a ring, the ring was solid from the out-side to the inside-core, kind of like the image in your avatar ?
Then you drilled the hole to hollow it out.

Just interested in different techniques.

On both of the ones i did, (they where only single rings) the glued segments created a hollow ring, then i bored it out with a gouge(or something, have no clue of the names for the different "chisels").


Billy Tallant
09-18-2011, 3:56 AM
Very impressive work! That is one of the sharpest peppermills that I've seen.

Betty Fox
09-18-2011, 10:55 AM
Yes that is correct. The ring is solid and you drill the 1 1/16 hole through the middle of it. Because I only had a jet mini lathe, it was easiest to drill two segments at a time. It's like a sandwich. You just keep adding bread. The placement of the walnut 'windows' is a little off because I glued up two segments together and forgot to offset them by half of a segment. I had to turn off the misplaced ring and replace it with another ring offset. The half segment offsetting gives the project more strength. That is very important with a 9 inch peppermill on a jet mini.
I've got a "Cape Canaveral" set almost put together that we are going to use for a raffle at the Northwest Woodturners guild we belong to. All the hard work is done. The person who wins it at the raffle just has to turn it.