View Full Version : Mobile Library A Bill Grumbine DVD

Tom Winship
09-14-2011, 8:51 AM
Mobile Library A Bill Grumbine DVD
This Is James Combs DVD

A NEW Mobile Library: Bill Grumbine DVD
Up for review is Bill's 'Turned Bowls Made Easy'
I, JD Combs, have a Bill Grumbine video and am willing to pass it on to an interested contributor who wishes to view it. Thanks again John Keaton for your efforts setting up the original Mobile Library.
If you are a contributor to SMC and would like to get this video, PM me with your address after posting.

The rules are the same as for the original library:

1. - Loans are restricted to Contributors of SMC, and I would expect that policy to be honored by others that may come into possession of this DVD. If you aren't a Contributor, then pay the $6 and have an opportunity to borrow this DVD, and others that may be available by other creekers.
2. - This DVD will be marked with the owners name. While he does not ever expect them back in his possession, should the interest in borrowing these cease, he would appreciate the individual holding them LAST, send him a PM for his address and returning them.
3. - The DVD should be cared for properly so it can be shared with others.
4. - I will mail the DVD or DVDs to any Contributor wanting them for viewing. That person will diligently watch them to the extent they feel it takes to absorb the material, and then the holder shall promptly post a thread similar to this one seeking another interested individual. The person shipping shall bear the cost of shipping each time the DVDs change possession.
5. - This arrangement is based solely on the honor system. The DVD or DVDs have been very helpful to me, and I hope it/they will help others. But, that can only happen if we have honest participation in this arrangement. If it doesn't work, then it is no great loss to me economically, but it will certainly be a disappointment to me.
6. - SMC is not involved in this at all, has no liability, and this entire arrangement is voluntary on my part. I accept the risk of loss of the DVDs, and in no way intend to hold the owners/administrators/moderators of SMC liable in any way in the event of loss.
7. - There will be no "waiting list", and each time the DVD is offered for loan, a new thread shall be posted, and the first contributor posting in the thread gets the DVD.

Scott Hackler
09-14-2011, 9:19 AM
I'ld like to see that. PM sent with info!

Tom Winship
09-14-2011, 9:25 AM
All in. All done. Scott gets the video. Still wonder why he needs it?