View Full Version : Iturra Design--where is he?

John Schackai
09-12-2011, 4:21 PM
Well!! is he gone? I can't find him in the phone book or online. All the phone numbers are out of service. Where is this wonderful guru of the bandsaw?

Brad Patch
09-12-2011, 5:37 PM
Well!! is he gone? I can't find him in the phone book or online. All the phone numbers are out of service. Where is this wonderful guru of the bandsaw?

Try 904 642 2802, Email KALLL@comcast.net (KALL@comcast.net) Talked with him about 2 weeks ago.

Dan Hintz
09-12-2011, 7:42 PM
It took a lot of searching the net before I found a working number. You'd think he'd want to be found a little more easily. He says he doesn't have a website because the one he wants is being held ransom by an internet squatter... if nothing else, then, he should use a site with a different name and stick his own name all over it. Search engines will take care of the rest.

Joseph Tarantino
09-14-2011, 10:04 AM
i don't seem to have a problem reaching him. googled iturra design and up popped a manta ad for him with the phone number listed above. i do wish he had a site, but, to each his own.

Peter Aeschliman
09-14-2011, 1:14 PM
On the one hand I love his old-school approach. He talks to his customers and prefers to do business that way. In return, the customer gets a great experience.

On the other hand, he could make way more money if he set up a website. Even if he didn't have any e-commerce on the site (no web purchases) it would make a huge difference for him. Add in an e-commerce system for fulfilling orders and I have a hard time believing he wouldn't quadruple his business.

But again, I love that he isn't so motivated by money. It makes the customer experience very rich, even though very few customers get that experience.

Jeff Sechelski
03-17-2012, 2:51 AM
Try 904 642 2802, Email KALLL@comcast.net (KALL@comcast.net) Talked with him about 2 weeks ago.

I can confirm that is a good number. I called him today, ordered a tensioning spring and asked him to throw in a catalog with the order. "No problem." So as someone said, if you want a catalog quicker, order something. And he is indeed very friendly and helpful.

John Coloccia
03-17-2012, 8:36 AM
I know that catalogs have been scanned and people have put them online, but I've never been able to find such a thing. If anyone knows of a source, I'd love to have a link to a catalog.

How do you place an order if you don't know what he sells? That seems to be the main problem most people have.

Curt Harms
03-17-2012, 8:39 AM
It took a lot of searching the net before I found a working number. You'd think he'd want to be found a little more easily. He says he doesn't have a website because the one he wants is being held ransom by an internet squatter... if nothing else, then, he should use a site with a different name and stick his own name all over it. Search engines will take care of the rest.

I just checked and iturrasaw.com and iturrabandsaw.com are both available. iturradesign.com is indeed taken but iturradesign.biz, .net and a bunch of other suffixes are available. Suppose I should register one or two and swap 'em for some springs and/or bands? :)

Neil Brooks
03-17-2012, 9:49 AM
I know that catalogs have been scanned and people have put them online, but I've never been able to find such a thing. If anyone knows of a source, I'd love to have a link to a catalog.


Ordinarily, I'd make you go through the usual rites and rituals, first.

You know: the dim lights, freaky candles, weird Latin phrases....

And the paddling. Of course, the paddling.

But I'm only on cup #1 of coffee, and am feeling PARTICULARLY generous, so .....

LINK (http://hotfile.com/dl/58454728/2e65e76/iturra.design.catalogue.2010.pdf.html)

"We now consecrate the bonds of obedience ...."

We'll see you in a few weeks. It's like discovering Bill Pentz's site for the first time :)

John Coloccia
03-17-2012, 9:57 AM
Thanks Neil! I don't know much Latin, but I'll be happy to dim the lights, start a fire and fire off some Italian incantations.

Neil Brooks
03-17-2012, 10:45 AM
Thanks Neil! I don't know much Latin, but I'll be happy to dim the lights, start a fire and fire off some Italian incantations.

Have you seen "A Fish Called Wanda ?"

Don't get me started .... ;)

Peter Kelly
03-17-2012, 11:02 AM
On the one hand I love his old-school approach. He talks to his customers and prefers to do business that way. In return, the customer gets a great experience.

On the other hand, he could make way more money if he set up a website. Even if he didn't have any e-commerce on the site (no web purchases) it would make a huge difference for him. Add in an e-commerce system for fulfilling orders and I have a hard time believing he wouldn't quadruple his business.

But again, I love that he isn't so motivated by money. It makes the customer experience very rich, even though very few customers get that experience.

I completely agree. Speaking with him in person on the phone is far more valuable than paging through some website trying to determine what it is you need. He is amazing helpful.

Jim Matthews
03-17-2012, 4:03 PM
I had a thirty minute discussion with him, prior to a woodworking class.

In that time, he probably saved me $175.
The recommended blades are just what I needed, and the welds are dead solid PERFECT.

The difference between the Iturra blades and what I can buy locally? They run straight.
AMAZing how my drift problems vanished with Louis' blades.

wpt, ma

Van Huskey
03-17-2012, 4:35 PM
The thing I find funny about Louis, besides the no internet issue, is he seems to to have discovered European saws. His recommendation for a no compromise steel framed saw is the Powermatic PM 1800, while an excellent saw the price has it right in the wheelhouse of the Centauro, Felder and ACM built saws.

Tom Walz
03-19-2012, 11:19 AM
His catalog is incredible. A huge amount of information.

Isaac Belcher
10-08-2018, 8:11 AM
Well!! is he gone? I can't find him in the phone book or online. All the phone numbers are out of service. Where is this wonderful guru of the bandsaw?
Resurrecting a long dead thread, but this is one of the first to pop up in Google when searching for Iturra Designs so to help out future seekers:

Iturra Designs is still going strong as of Fall 2018.
Still no website. and there is an email address but, although I reached out through that medium I never heard back.
Louis answered on the first ring. I explained a bit of my issues that I was aware of and he recommended that he send me a catalogue first so that I could save on shipping by not needing to place multiple orders. (the level of customer service here is impeccable!)
I offered to pay for the catalogue as many have mentioned an $8 fee but he informed me that this time of year they are free. 3 short days later I received my Winter 2017 edition of the sacred band saw text!!!

Now I have only to figure out how to stop drooling and decide what to cut out of my over budget shopping list!!!

Matt Day
10-08-2018, 8:18 AM
Good to hear Isaac, and welcome to SMC!