View Full Version : My Turning corner, and tool rack

John Spitters
09-12-2011, 12:07 AM
No need to say too much other than this is where I tend to spend a fair bit of my free time.


Paul Cohen
09-12-2011, 5:02 AM
Am I correct in assuming that the outer cabinet has its back wall in the middle? How thick is the outer cabinet? Could you provide some dimensions? I actually built the inner cabinet a few years ago and never got around to hanging the doors. Part of the reason is it did not hold my larger tools and many of the accessories. If I added your outer cabinet that would allow me a place for my large tools, tool rests and center (some of which are on the shelf). Did you use 1/2 or 3/4 plywood? It looks like 1/2", if so what size hinges did you use.

Sorry for all the questions but I love the design.

Scott Hussey
09-12-2011, 9:06 AM
Wow..nice set up. You are way, way more organized than I. If you took a pic of my turning corner you'd see tools laying all over the place, shavings everywhere, stacks of wood under my feet, etc....hmmm...maybe that's why I can't ever find anything.

Do you contract out your "organization services"..my wife says I need some help in that area :)

Sid Matheny
09-12-2011, 9:50 AM
I have to say that is about the best looking tuner's cabinet I have ever seen. Well done!


James Combs
09-12-2011, 10:19 AM
That is the only problem I have found with SMC... Toooo many good ideas to choose from.:D

charlie knighton
09-12-2011, 10:47 AM

Bernie Weishapl
09-12-2011, 10:57 AM
That is a really nice setup. Well done.

Ken Fitzgerald
09-12-2011, 11:02 AM
Very well thought out, designed and executed! A whole lot more orgnanized than my turning area. Nicely done!

Dick Wilson
09-12-2011, 11:03 AM
WOW!!!!!! John K. is proud today. Organized. No clutter. Dust free!!!!! Your turning corner makes you grit your teeth every time you turn the lathe on. Nice job.

Bill Bolen
09-12-2011, 11:16 AM
That's as fine a turning corner as I have ever seen posted. Very organised. Everything looks to be in reach of the lathe.

Paul Heely
09-12-2011, 11:25 AM
I really like the doors on the tool cabinet. I have a similar rack in my turning area, but no doors. It can be a real mess when roughing out a lot of green bowls. Nice job.


wes murphy
09-12-2011, 12:28 PM
Looks far too organized, but looks great too.

bob svoboda
09-12-2011, 12:40 PM
Very nice. I hope you intend on getting it messy...

Rob Cunningham
09-12-2011, 12:41 PM
Very nice setup John. The tool cabinet is beautiful and I like your dust collection hood on the lathe

Jon Nuckles
09-12-2011, 1:04 PM
Very nice. I am saving pictures to copy that cabinet! Now I just have to get my hands on some spalted maple for the doors . . .

John Spitters
09-12-2011, 1:52 PM
Thanks all for the fine comments. As to getting this space a bit dirty ... I've done that more than a few times. The good part is that with the space I left behind the lathe and with all of the tools safely behind doors it's an easy job to clean up after a turning session. I also have it so that the space around the lathe can be closed in with curtains.


Joe Kieve
09-12-2011, 2:19 PM
"A clean desk is the sign of a sick mind"....so is a well organized turning corner. That's beautiful! You wll certainly enjoy it as it's well organized.


Paul Dalton
04-01-2024, 1:48 PM
Logged into SMC, but unable to access any of the images of this highly-praised setup. How to view?

Robert Hayward
04-01-2024, 2:27 PM
Logged into SMC, but unable to access any of the images of this highly-praised setup. How to view?

Become a Contributor. Been a while for me but I think it is ~$6.00 a year minimum.

Bill Howatt
04-01-2024, 3:22 PM
I also have a 20" General and the one thing I regret is not having more space behind it. I was restricted by the room size the lathe is in and was aware of the spacing and it is at times a PITA but the times fortunately are not too many. I just stick my little plastic scoop shovel under the lathe to gather the shavings.
Not related to spacing but a general comment: I have stopped trying to do a 100% cleanup and firmly believe in the 80-20 law - you can get 80% with 20% of the work and vice-versa.

Tim Elett
04-02-2024, 3:14 PM
John, your arsenal of turning tools is amazing, something to be proud of.