View Full Version : New Bandsaw ToThe Shop - First "Blue Ribbon" Project Completed With It

Todd Young
09-11-2011, 10:37 AM
I finally got off my duff and bought my first bandsaw.

Grizzly, G0555X w/riser and G7314Z mobile base. Arrived on 9/6. No issues with delivery, everything went as expected. Set up took a little longer than it probably should have, but that's probably because I didn't want to rush through it like I do most everything else. I only had the hours after the day job to do it so I didn't get it to making any saw dust until yesterday afternoon. Set up was easy. Directions were easy to follow, all the parts were there and intact and had no issues with set up. I have yet to install the riser, but that will be soon to follow. No need to contact Grizzly support during set up. I've read posts where some shipments had issues (some major, some minor) so I wanted to post how one went as expected with no issues.

Now it's all on me to make things with it.....:eek:

I trolled a ton of posts about blades and their applications (thanks Van for the in depth post about blades - you say you don't claim to be an expert, but you could've fooled me), power requirements, what ones could do, what was a preference when considering the ding to the wallet, what was best for only 110/20 amp available power, etc. That helped me decide on the G0555X as the first choice. Thanks to all that posted the great intel....the knowledge/preferences shared by all was greatly appreciated.

So....that said, I know it didn't happen if there aren't pics, so pics are attached.


And now to show off the talent level. Good thing I was able to get this tool in time enough to complete this first job. I had spent weeks drawing up the plans for this, got the cut list together and special ordered the wood for it. The wood arrived and I was able to complete the project. Photo of it attached......


With this job completed, I've decided to quit my day job and go into business for myself making directional arrows out of 3/4 plywood. I hear there's a market for it so I'm seizing the moment.

I'm off to sharpen the bandsaw skills.

Happy Sunday fellow Creeker's.......


Bill ThompsonNM
09-11-2011, 10:51 AM
Rofl, Ok now it's time for a bandsawn box . That will really make you appreciate your new saw. You can make it in the shape of an arrow if you would like. ; )

Bill White
09-11-2011, 11:53 AM
Todd, your first BS project, and ya got the arrow pointing in the wrong direction. I'm gonna call Grizz and tell 'em.
I want that saw too.

Jim Rimmer
09-12-2011, 1:42 PM
I've got the same saw. You're gonna love it. I highly recommend the Woodslicer for resawing.

glenn bradley
09-12-2011, 2:34 PM
That first project is a doozy. MOMA will want that on display as part of the permanent collection but, will have to battle the Smithsonian over rights of possession. Congrats on a great saw. Have fun.

Todd Young
09-14-2011, 9:13 PM
My wife was laughing pretty hard at the "first project" so we figured we'd share in the fun.

I have used it a bit but I know it'll take some time to get the hang of it. It already saved me time on a project for my wife's biz. Had to make a 163" long cornice board and it's much better than the jig saw option. Saves a ton of time filing and sanding once the cut's done.

Jim, I've read quite a bit about advantages of the woodslicer for resawing. Resawing was one of the main reason's for getting it. I figure I'll get some time under it before grabbing one. I still have to put the riser on as well.

Did put it to use making a template for a fishing net. Was hoping to have that completed by this weekend as we're heading out for some fishing, but won't be able to have the net finished by the trip.

I've only had it for a week and a half and I love it. Don't know how I lasted this long without one.


Pat Barry
09-14-2011, 10:10 PM
I like the grain flow and the unusual incorporation of the knot as a focal point. Well done!