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David DeCristoforo
09-10-2011, 1:23 PM
Only one more time will it be possible for there to be a consecutive day-month-year number until the beginning of the next century and that will be 10,11,12. So whatever superstitious significance one might attach to that, this is the second to the last time to attach it in the probable lifetime of anyone reading this...

Thom Sturgill
09-10-2011, 1:33 PM
What about 11-12-13 and 12-13-14??

David DeCristoforo
09-10-2011, 2:15 PM
"What about 11-12-13 and 12-13-14??"

OK... nevermind....

Craig Matheny
09-10-2011, 2:31 PM
Wow and I almost made a sign the world is coming to an end. LOL:eek:

Rick Markham
09-10-2011, 2:51 PM
Someone's been lacquering today :)

Bill Bolen
09-10-2011, 5:05 PM
Thank goodness I will now live to see the next one!:D

Jamie Donaldson
09-10-2011, 5:08 PM
So are we now playing a game like "Trivial Date Pursuits?" Turn on the dang lathe and get to work David!

Mark Engel
09-10-2011, 5:38 PM
Consecutive is nothing!

This year we get 11-11-11.

Next year we get 12-12-12 (LOML's birthday)

After that... ?

David DeCristoforo
09-10-2011, 5:47 PM
"After that... ?"

13, 13, 13 and then 14, 14, 14... No really... Ask Thom

"Turn on the dang lathe and get to work David..."

Oh crap... my wife!

Actually I'm not lathing today. I'm bending and hammering little pieces of wire to make my signature brand.

PS That comment about my wife is totally unfair. She has bee trying to get me to take a day off for months now. I just couldn't resist the opportunity crack wise.

Dennis Simmons
09-10-2011, 5:58 PM
Thank You, I needed a good laugh. You need to keep your mind, on turning :).

Wally Dickerman
09-10-2011, 6:01 PM
In Nov. we will have 11/11/11. Next year we'll have 12/12/12.

On 7/19/21 I'll be 100 years old. Any significance in that?

David DeCristoforo
09-10-2011, 6:09 PM
"On 7/19/21 I'll be 100 years old. Any significance in that?"

Depends on what you are doing on that day. But I guess even just breathing would be welcome!

Chris Barnett
09-10-2011, 6:48 PM

Happy Birthday Wally....54 days belated....

John Keeton
09-10-2011, 7:50 PM
Thank goodness I will now live to see the next one!:DNo assurances of that Bill!!! Live today as it is your last, but I hope you have many, many more!

Jamie Donaldson
09-10-2011, 10:06 PM
Wally, the significance in that is we will all raise a toast to you and wish you many more turning years!!! You're a wonder of nature to us already!!!

Don Alexander
09-10-2011, 11:27 PM
here , here!!!!!

Dennis Simmons
09-12-2011, 6:45 PM
On 7/19/21 I'll be 100 years old. Any significance in that?[/QUOTE]

Looks like a good game plan, go for it.