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View Full Version : A Couple of Bowls and a Vase

John Keeton
09-08-2011, 8:20 PM
I was invited to participate in an exhibit at the Kentucky Artisan Center at Berea, KY entitled "An Artful Array: Bowls by Kentucky Artisans". There are other turners exhibiting, including fellow creeker, Jamie Donaldson, who has a beautiful curly maple form that is a variation of his square bowl turnings for which he is so well known. There are also some carvers, and some clay artisans. We delivered our work a week or so ago, and I was contacted that my turning had already sold and they needed another piece! Good news - bad news!

I don't do many bowls, and most I have done were early on, and for the most part, and I am not particularly proud of them. I did deliver a couple of recent pieces that were pretty plain, in order to have something there for the exhibit.

A public reception is scheduled for this Saturday, and it has been well publicized. I want to have a better representation of my work, so this week I completed a couple of bowls that I am hopeful can be exchanged for the two that are there now.

The first is an Ambrosia burl maple bowl, with some really interesting voids. 3.25" x 13.75". Ms. Keeton loves this one!

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The second is a redwood burl bowl - kind of a different form that I have done a couple of times. 2.5" x 10.5". Ms. Keeton does not like this one!!

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This last piece is poplar, dyed (obviously) with a teal, and then accented with blue and yellow upward streaks. 6.5" x 8.75" tall. When we had our last club meeting, it was at my home, and Jamie Donaldson brought a huge load of excess wood to give away. There were a few pieces that were not taken by the members, and one of those was what I thought was a piece of silver maple until I cut into it and discovered it was poplar. It had some spalting on one side, but half of the form was also pretty punky and tearout was a problem - particularly in the very bottom. But, with a LOT of sanding, and some shellac filler;), I was able to get a decent finish. Ms. Keeton has claimed this one for a flower arrangement!

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I had to get pics to the Artisan Center tonite, as I will be delivering some turnings to a gallery in Louisville tomorrow and won't be able to get them done tomorrow. They were done with just shop lighting, and are a little grainy - I apologize :o.

Any comments are appreciated - good or bad! I know I have trouble doing any bowl form that isn't an ogee form - kind of stagnant on that one I am afraid!

Baxter Smith
09-08-2011, 8:39 PM
Have to agree with Ms Keeton on the bowl preferences.:) The redwood is well done but does not appeal to me as much. Perhaps all the details of the turning compete with the wood for my attention. The color of the vase is a very cool green. A much nicer color than the plain poplar pwould have been. Congrats on the quick sales as well!

Jim Burr
09-08-2011, 8:40 PM
I really like the first one John...you're a lucky man to have that hold together! The vase coloring is really cool! The middle one reminds me of an Offering plate at church...we could pass it around the forum for donations! Hope they do well!

Steve Kubien
09-08-2011, 8:43 PM
I have never gone for the massively voided pieces, like the maple you show here but I DO appreciate the challenge and skill needed to do this sort of work. It's not my taste but I know lots of folks are drawn to this sort of thing.

I really like the redwood burl bowl you show here.

Nicely done sir!

David E Keller
09-08-2011, 9:40 PM
Congrats on the sale, John! Although I like the first piece, I'm going to take the dangerous position opposite Mrs. Keeton... I prefer the redwood piece! Something about the rim on the first piece seems a bit off to me. I hope these two sell as well, so you'll have to make more to post here!

Harry Robinette
09-08-2011, 9:48 PM
All excellent work as always. If you haven't seen the Woodturing magazine for Oct. might wont to take a look ,good article about stabilizing rings for the pieces like your AMB piece. Pretty neat article.

David DeCristoforo
09-08-2011, 10:00 PM
Well, I hate to have to be the one to point this out but that first one does not really qualify as a "bowl". But it's pretty nice as an "art piece". the second one is much more "bowl like" and a fine one at that. The vase is beautiful. Poplar does not get a chance to look that nice very often! I'm glad you got a sale and these might not stay around too long either. My wife has an understanding that she should never get too attached to anything I make. Never know when someone might want to buy it!

charlie knighton
09-08-2011, 10:10 PM
John, all three are very nice, i like the first one. i also like your muted finishes, in fact i was surprized, i had been used to seeing a high gloss from you. well done

John Keeton
09-08-2011, 10:23 PM
Thanks, guys!! I will have to confess - I don't much care for turning bowls. And, I have a really hard time doing a hemi-spherical form.

Charlie, the finish on this is much different from what I normally do - I do kind of like the lower sheen, and may use it more frequently in the future.

Alan Trout
09-08-2011, 10:29 PM

All are very nicely done. I really like them all.


Kathy Marshall
09-09-2011, 2:49 AM
Congrats on the sale John! Those are some great looking pieces! Don't know how the Ambrosia burl held together, good job getting it turned in one piece! I admit that I prefer the redwood piece also, especially like the top view. Pretty color on the poplar!

Michelle Rich
09-09-2011, 6:50 AM
Ms. keeton has the eye..you better keep her as an in home critic! Congrats on the show & sale..need new hat size??? Glad you are getting your work out..

Russell Eaton
09-09-2011, 7:31 AM
John, I have to side with your wife on the bowl. I am a huge fan of the skill it takes to turn a void like the first one. Well done, and I too like the finish.

Bob Rotche
09-09-2011, 7:40 AM
I actually like the vase form best- the dye job is fantastic and your ogee curve is perfect as usual. Well done on all three.

Tom Winship
09-09-2011, 8:25 AM
John, I really like the first. Maybe it is the engineer in me, but for that to hold together required nerves of steel on your part. Must be the attorney in you.

Dick Wilson
09-09-2011, 9:22 AM
John, Beautiful work on all three. I too have a preference for voids. It is an accent that only nature provides. Looking forward to see what you bring to Ohio VS.

Chris Burgess
09-09-2011, 9:40 AM
Amazing. Love the Maple Bowl. I can't believe it held up. You must have been taking feathers off instead of shavings.

Bernie Weishapl
09-09-2011, 9:41 AM
John those are some nice peices. I really like the first bowl.

Tim Rinehart
09-09-2011, 10:46 AM
Well done John. Listen, if you have trouble finding a solid piece of ambrosia, I'm sure we could locate some for you...sheesh. Of course, that's a very cool piece. Both the maple and redwood pieces exhibit an old feel to them, which adds to their warmth. Natural choice to keep finish sheen down.
This is perhaps personal preference, but when I look at the redwood piece, which has some outstanding little details on the turn down bead of the opening, but it has this big piece of real estate that begs for something to embellish it, even a little. Perhaps this is a reflection of my wanting to do more with texturing and burning, but it's a thought. As it is...still a beautiful piece with nice flow.

I like the poplar vase, and the dyeing and ogee is top-notch. Looks like something someone could actually use!!!:eek:

Jamie Donaldson
09-09-2011, 11:36 AM
:eek:Wow John, you sure dressed up my junk wood!;)

Ed Morgano
09-09-2011, 1:23 PM
Are you going to be there tomorrow? I'm thinking about driving up.

John Keeton
09-09-2011, 1:30 PM
Thanks for the additional comments, and thanks, Jamie, for that "junk wood"!! It actually was pretty rough and I almost abandoned the idea of finishing it. In its "natural state" it would not have been very appealing - thus the color. Dye has a tendency to mask many evils.

Ed, I do plan to be there. That is a heck of a drive for a relatively small exhibit, although the Artisan Center, as a whole, is a neat place. Would love to have you visit, too, if that is in the plan!

Ed Morgano
09-09-2011, 1:48 PM
That would be great John. I have all day....nothing else planned. I would probably get there around 1:00 pm and we can take it from there unless you would prefer something different.

John Keeton
09-09-2011, 1:54 PM
Ed, I will send you an email or PM a little later. I am at the office at the moment and have to finish up a few things.

John Keeton
09-09-2011, 2:34 PM
Jamie reminded me - the reception is actually September 18! Whew!!

Scott Hackler
09-09-2011, 4:42 PM
Nice work John. The holey bowls are nice but that vase is a real beauty. It's no wonder that Mrs Keaton snagged it!

Curt Fuller
09-11-2011, 12:46 AM
John, I really like the bowls. That ambrosia bowl is just incredible, except for the fact that you'll have to discount the price on it for the missing parts. The vase is nice too, even with the plain wood.

Jerry Wright
09-11-2011, 6:05 AM
John - I like all three - probably each for a different reason. As to the difference of opinion between you and Ms. Keeton - I saw a nice quote yesterday in the gift shop of the Sonnenberg gardens in Canandaigua, NY. It was something like - "No two minds have the same dreams." Kinda of applies to turned wooden forms, don't you think?

Ed Morgano
09-14-2011, 7:39 AM
Jamie reminded me - the reception is actually September 18! Whew!!
Things just seem to have a way of working themselves out one way or the other. As it turned out, I got sick Friday night and wouldn't have been able to drive up on saturday anyway. On Sunday, I ended up in the ER with an obstructed bowl from my Crohn's desease....yuck. Anyway, John, I'm on our laptop in the hospital room and I don't have any of our previous e-mails. If I am feeling better by the 18th, I will plan on driving up and spending the day. Probably arriving in time for the show and then spending time with you afterwards. Nothing definite at this point. I'll try to keep in touch and let you know how I'm doing.

James Combs
09-14-2011, 9:07 AM
John some great execution on these. I am not much of a fan of the void type turnings but can really appreciate the effort it takes to get it done. If I had to choose one it would be the second bowl. Keep em coming and congrats on the sale.

Lionel Mercier
09-14-2011, 9:53 AM
agreed with Mrs Keeton