View Full Version : What to do with wood shavings

Igor Petrenko
09-08-2011, 3:33 PM
More pics here (http://www.daylife.com/search/photos/1/grid?q=Sergei+Bobkov)

Timothy Wolf
09-08-2011, 4:03 PM
WOW!!! what else can be said!

Eduard Nemirovsky
09-08-2011, 4:31 PM
it is funny, how did you do a body of it?


Igor Petrenko
09-08-2011, 4:38 PM
Thats not mine, just found it on internet.

it is funny, how did you do a body of it?


Harvey Pascoe
09-08-2011, 5:27 PM
Now that is what I call creative!

Joe Angrisani
09-09-2011, 9:53 AM
Incredible talent. Sometimes I am reminded that I'm nothing more than a rough-hewn caveman.

Jerome Hanby
09-09-2011, 12:57 PM
Due to my Dad's crazy idea that I should take up taxidermy and his subsequent purchases to encourage this lost cause, I know that many of the bodies of smaller animals that are mounted are made from wire and wood wool which is basically wood shavings. Probably the same principal...