View Full Version : Squat mimosa HF

Tim Rinehart
09-06-2011, 4:27 PM
I started at this piece of mimosa mounted to a waste block for nearly 6 months...and after finishing my BnB contest entries, I decided to put it back on the lathe.
I feared two things with this piece...one that it would be hard as a rock, and second the dust is quite the irritant.
With sharp tools in place and dust collector sucking, air filtration going, exhaust fans a blowin...you get the picture...I started at it.
It actually turned very nicely, no dulling as I wrongly suspected.
The inside turning went well using my captured bar system, and it sanded and finished well. It's sitting on a paper towel as the danish oil finish (which is all it got for now) was still coming out even over a day after being wiped down. I really didn't want to risk getting too thin (yea, Scott will be at me on this!! ;)) so it's about 5/16 - 3/8" in most places.
The sapwood is almost burly in some of pattern...must have been a crotch piece. I have some more of this, may have to dig it out!
I kinda like this squatty profile, first of this shape I've done, like a water balloon sat on a flat surface and the top just gently pulled up.
C&C Welcome.

Jim Burr
09-06-2011, 5:11 PM
I love that shape Tim and you're luck to be alive my friend! That was quite a effort to pull that off and you did a sweet job!!

Rick Markham
09-06-2011, 5:33 PM
I like it Tim, Mimosa is some pretty stuff. The sapwood really sets it off, the curl in the heartwood is really beautiful. I like the form too, especially how the void works with the shape. Well done, and your B&B entries are super nice as well. You're doing some very nice work and I look forward to seeing what you post next.

John Keeton
09-06-2011, 6:49 PM
Another winner, Tim!! Man, you have been putting in time at the lathe - and, doing it well, too.

David E Keller
09-06-2011, 7:34 PM
Too cool! I love this piece! That's much prettier than the little bit of mimosa that I've scavenged around here... Mike Smith?

Bernie Weishapl
09-06-2011, 9:38 PM
Beautiful piece Tim. I love turning Mimosa. I got a bunch from Mike Smith when I went thru.

Michelle Rich
09-07-2011, 7:59 AM
very pretty I love the shape & your description (balloon being lifted) fits it perfectly! Great job