View Full Version : Burning eyes with CA and BLO

Keith E Byrd
09-06-2011, 7:03 AM
I watched a youtube (someone posted on another post a few days ago) about using BLO and CA - I tried it an really like the process and the results. One major drawback: after applying the blo/CA and spinning at high RPMs for 10-15 seconds you get a very pungent odor and then burning, watery eyes.:confused: :( I put on my respirator and got rid of the odor but still get the burning eyes. The odor and burning sensation lasts about 10-15 seconds. Does anyone know what this is? Has anyone else experienced this? It is a simple process and as I said the results are great but I'm not sure I want to keep doing this.

Jim Heikes
09-06-2011, 7:24 AM
During the polymerization of cyanoacrylate (exothermic reaction), CA monomer is released as a gas. This monomer causes the burning and odor......not toxic.......just very irritating.

Paul Heely
09-06-2011, 7:24 AM
I had the exact same problem. I stopped using BLO/CA as a finish because of this. I don't turn many pens anymore, but when I do I use Enduro polyurethane.


Steve Busey
09-06-2011, 9:15 AM
I always have a fan blowing sideways across my work when using CA - that does a great job of keeping the fumes away from my face.

Jim Burr
09-06-2011, 9:19 AM
You'll typically find that reaction on the applicator, not usually the pen or other piece. I use a small metal trash can by the outside door to the shop and as soon as I finish applying CA, the papertowel is in the can...literally a few seconds.

Tim Rinehart
09-06-2011, 10:17 AM
I always have a fan blowing sideways across my work when using CA - that does a great job of keeping the fumes away from my face.
I do just what Steve says...the little cheap clip on lights from Walmart are perfect for keeping that stuff away from face, as well as other irritants from dusting/pyro work. Ideally...point towards an open window with it's own fan exhausting out.

Bernie Weishapl
09-06-2011, 10:37 AM
I also use a fan blowing from behind me. Keeps the fumes away.

Keith E Byrd
09-07-2011, 6:23 AM
Thanks to you all - Looks like a fan it is!

Donny Lawson
09-07-2011, 6:43 AM
Have you ever tried just a CA finish (without the BLO)?? It's a very high gloss and without the tears.

Chris Barnett
09-07-2011, 7:36 AM
I use blue paper towel pieces to apply CA (don't think there is an irritant issue with BLO) and the piece actually emits smoke. Fearing a potential fire, I always toss the towel piece onto the concrete floor, to be gathered later. Is there a potential burning issue or is the smoke a chemical reaction only not associated with high temperaure (the paper does get hot though) i.e.,am I overreacting? My dust collector removes the fumes, which otherwise are extremely irritating. I apply the BLO only to accentuate any figure but it darkens the wood. CA only seems to be best to maintain a lighter shade.