View Full Version : How to stop sapwood from discoloring?

Paul Heely
09-04-2011, 2:26 PM
I'm working my way through my pile of cherry. One problem I'm having is with pieces where I leave some of the sapwood in. The sapwood is getting splotches of discoloration. I turned the outside of a HF, then bagged it and grabbed some lunch. By the time I got back the sapwood was already discolored. Other pieces have discolored as I was turning them.

Any ideas or suggestions on how to prevent this?


Marty Eargle
09-04-2011, 2:42 PM
I think in the end, it is inevitable...but a finish with uv protection in it will slow down the light from turning the wood.

I've only tried it on Box Elder and it has held up for a few months.

Jon Nuckles
09-04-2011, 2:54 PM
I have had walnut sapwood discolor and I am pretty sure it was the color from the heartwood migrating out with the liquid at high speeds when the wood was very wet. That is my theory, anyway, based on the purple juice dripping off the gouge, toolrest, and my clothes. I don't know of a solution for that other than letting the wood dry a bit more before turning it.

Paul Heely
09-04-2011, 4:16 PM
I had not thought about it being color from the heartwood migrating out. For some reason I thought it was a fungus or something that starts growing very quickly, not sure where I got that idea from.


Jim Underwood
09-04-2011, 4:46 PM
Well if you wannit "datcolor" instead of "discolor" then I suggest dying it...:D

Ok... I'll go sit in the corner now...

Seriously, I've not had any trouble with rough turning pieces with sapwood in it, wrapping in newspaper, letting it dry for 6 mos to a year, then re-turning to finish. The sapwood is still the same light color. Obviously I don't have any experience with the problem...

Paul Heely
09-04-2011, 7:18 PM
I never thought of "datacolor". My wife's recovering from a detached retina and I needed a good laugh tonight. Thank you!
