View Full Version : Inspirational Evening (part1)

John Miliunas
02-22-2005, 11:33 PM
For those not familiar with the Spring Green, WI area, it was home to the great architect, Frank Lloyd Wright. I think partially due to that fact, the area has also spawned a lot of artistic type people. There's an organization called Spring Green Area Arts Coalition. Among their activities, they have frequent exhibits and socials for area residents and those interested in sharing their work or even become members of the Coalition. This evening, we were most fortunate indeed to have a Woodworking and Craft social right in our little town of Lone Rock. I even met up with fellow SMC-ers, Jeff Sudmeier and Frank Chaffee there. :)

Lots of interesting exhibits and great people behind the pieces. I'm including pics of a couple artists who are simply wonderful. The first set of pics, are pieces by local artist Steve Spiro. Utterly magnificent work! The pics speak for themselves but come nowhere even close to how wonderful these beautiful pieces look live and in person! The two closeups are meant to give you some idea of the inlay Steve does on many of his pieces. Thanks for letting me share!:) :cool:

Jeff Sudmeier
02-23-2005, 8:24 AM
Guys, John's pictures look amazing, but you really had to be there in person to see this artist's work! It was simply amazing... All I did the whole time we were there was to look at the peices this artist brought and notice more and more details that were beyond belief.

If I could create just one peice, of the quality of those this artist brought, I would be very happy!

It was great meeting Frank and I had a good time with John as well. It was a great evening!

Thank you John for making me aware of this "Social" :)
