View Full Version : Oneway customer service AAA+++

Bill Wyko
09-03-2011, 1:18 PM
I use a stronghold chuck and have for a couple years now. All of a sudden it randomly started loosening itself. I've never heard of anyone ever having a problem with a stronghold chuck nor have I ever had a problem. I contacted Oneway about my concern and they also had never had a call about this. Peter, my contact there, agreed to send me one out for exchange right away. He seemed truly concerned and wanted to examine it for the problem. All I can say is, THAT's customer service. He made no excuses what so ever and treated me with respect. After that, a Oneway Lathe has moved to the top of my list for my next bigger lathe. A+ in my book.

Jack Mincey
09-03-2011, 3:18 PM
I agree with you on their service. I've had a couple issues with my 1640, one being the switch that changes the direction of the spindle and what looked like a crack in the out board banjo not sure if it was in the paint or into the metal. They replaced the switch with in a week and the banjo about two weeks after I sent them a picture of the possible crack. I now have the old banjo casting for a backup if any thing should ever happen to the one they replaced. Kevin made me a very happy customer.