View Full Version : My latest CL deal

Mike Cruz
09-01-2011, 10:01 AM
Hinted to on another thread, here is my latest find. It is a Baldor grinder stand. Doesn't seem like much until/unless you realize that Baldor charges $361 for it. I got it for his asking price...$30. :D206517

Mike Cruz
09-02-2011, 8:39 AM
With 198 views and no comments, I will just assume that my rose colored glasses of apparent appreciation for my CL finds has turned to distain...:rolleyes:

Oh, and giving credit where credit is due (since I forgot to do so in my original post), thanks to Dan Hintz for picking it up for me...in the rain...make that a storm. It was in his neck of the woods and I was unable to "get there". Thanks, Dan.

Jerome Hanby
09-02-2011, 9:17 AM
Well it's pretty cool I guess but don't think it can hold a candle to my deluxe model from HF! J/K getting anything with the Baldor name on it for that price is gloat worthy. How do you like the stand? Is it plenty sturdy?

Steve H Graham
09-02-2011, 11:54 AM
Here you go: you suck.

Mike Cruz
09-02-2011, 2:01 PM
Yeah, Jerome, if I didn't know it was a Baldor, I would have said, "Okay, heavy duty, sturdy, good stand...How much is it? $100?" I think it is WAY overpriced for $361. I mean, it is a STAND. That said, to answer your question, it is quite heavy for sheet metal. And it is plenty sturdy. Funny thing is, the thread I started about what you use to weigh down equipment was for my Grizzly drum/flap sander. It now sits on top of this stand and runs very quietly on it. Glad I never had time to make the stand for the sander...this even has shelves for me to store things on!

Steve, thanks for the half hearted, reluctant, forced "you suck". I have a feeling I got a lot of head shakes...but you just don't see those things over the internet. :)

Chris Nolin
09-02-2011, 4:44 PM
I'll give you a very hearty YOU SUCK. I mean, it's just a stand, but I want to keep your spirits up so you'll keep searching for, and posting, your finds. You have been inspirational in my own gloat-seeking. :)

Ben Martin
09-02-2011, 5:00 PM
Haha, if you are happy Mike, than I won't spoil it for you.

I just sold one to a fellow OWWM'r for $25, which I thought was good. If you haven't used it yet you are going to need to ballast the heck out of the thing to keep it from dancing around your shop...

Mike Cruz
09-02-2011, 6:23 PM
No need to, Ben. I will, however, bolt it down. Not necessarily out of need, but out of "like". However, I must address this $25...You sold it for $25 and thought YOU got the good end of the bargain? I'm certainly happy with only spending $30 for a stand. Especially for a Baldor. That thing is made of 1/8" steel. $25 would have been nicer, though! :) Really, I am happy.

Steve H Graham
09-03-2011, 8:54 PM
I'll do better next time.

Mike Cruz
09-04-2011, 6:49 AM
Next time? Next time?! Ya'll think I'll EVER post a gloat again after this lack luster kudos performance? Ugh. You're right...I will...I'll do my best to astound each and every one of you next time. It is a tall order, though. 'Cause I don't really need anything (except more room added onto the shop ;) ), so don't know what else to buy. I've been seeing some deals...just not anything I need.