View Full Version : Mesquite root

Kathy Marshall
08-31-2011, 2:17 PM
Just got a call from the tree trimmer's, they are taking out a Big mesquite tomorrow! The tree was in a corner backed by block walls. Apparently the owners never set up a proper irrigation system so the tree grew a very shallow but extensive root system (mesquites and other desert trees usually send down large deep tap roots), anyway the tree blew down, taking out the block walls and about a 50' radius of the lawn. She said the roots are huge, some up to 12 - 15" diameter. So I asked her to save me a couple.Has anyone turned any mesquite root and how was it?

charlie knighton
08-31-2011, 2:50 PM
no, please take some before pictures, interesting

John Keeton
08-31-2011, 3:06 PM
Being in KY, I obviously know nothing of mesquite except for the fine pieces you sent me!!:) However, for whatever it is worth, I have found most roots to be comprised largely of sapwood since their principal purpose is movement of nutrition. With roots that large, I suspect you would have some heartwood. Should make some really striking contrast!

Pics are required!

Bill Embrey
08-31-2011, 3:18 PM

No experience with mesquite... but I was able to obtain a lot of red oak root under the same circumstances (oak is our version of mesquite :) ). Turned nicely, but it was prone to crack a LOT if I did not rough turn, seal and bag with shavings as fast as possible. Due to what John mentioned above, it will be considerably wetter than other wood from the tree. Also, lots of dirt = extra tool sharpening. Plus side is that there is some truly awesome grain in roots.


David E Keller
08-31-2011, 5:37 PM
Never turned it, but my limited experience with root balls and root wood tells me there should be some tremendous figure in that stuff!

Bill Bolen
09-01-2011, 2:06 AM
No mesquite here either but I've turned quite a few large roots from various species. Get a hold of a power washer and clean them up well. Saves a lot of sharpening and some rocky surprises.

Jerry Marcantel
09-01-2011, 8:05 AM
Kathy, mesquite root seems to be more solid and turns easier than above ground mesquite wood. Get all that you can. You'll like it.
I've gotten some roots that only took air to blow off the dirt. I actually preferr the stuff that's been dead for 40+ years........ ...... Jerry (in Tucson)

Alan Trout
09-01-2011, 9:25 AM
I turn lots of root balls and find that they tend to harder then the tree/shrub itself. Our Mesquite is a little different species then yours so variations could be because of that. I think this may have a bit to do with geology of the area. In my area when you go down about 6 to 12 inches you are in solid limestone and I think the mineral content of the soil has a lot to do with the abrasive properties of the wood. Just a guess on my part.

Either way I would get as much as I could, and what I could not turn I would give to some of the fine Creekers.


Michael Parnes
09-01-2011, 1:13 PM
Hi Kathy,
I saw you at the last meeting of the AW. I have tried a couple of root balls from our woods out here. The problem is a great deal of silica (dirt) gets in the voids and you sharpen very often. Some may be better then others. Give it a try.