View Full Version : Weekend Gloat

Dan Rude
08-30-2011, 12:44 AM
This weekend one of my son's friends' dad was cleaning out their house that is on the market. I orignally was sent to pick up the Lego Death Star that his friend was giving him. Just down the Block from me, so I took my Caravan and picked it up he also gave me 2 gaint bean bags, I then spied some pallets he was throwing out. Never being one to pass up free clear pine, I went home to get my pick-up. Slight delay due to dead battery, so after getting it started I drove down to pick up the wood. While I was there he asked if I wanted his work bench, he was tired of moving it from place to place. It was a 6' steel bench with 2 roll around cabinets that fit under it, all with maple tops. Price FREE!!! :D Then when cleaning it out he saw his air tool case and threw that in too (he said he didn't need it since he had gotten rid of his compresor), along with a propane torch. So here's the Pics...206370206369206367

Timothy Wolf
08-30-2011, 1:53 AM
You taking all that stuff from him was wrong, I am giving you one shot at amnesty, just give me your address and I will pick it up and take it all to a needy person (me). You made out like a bandit, congrats!

Jim Rimmer
08-30-2011, 1:41 PM
What??!! No picture of the Death Star!! YOU SUCK. Congrats on a great grab.

David Hostetler
08-30-2011, 3:23 PM
Did you at least offer to buy them Pizza for their move?

Rodger Kanis
08-30-2011, 4:11 PM
LOL! I'm with Jim... my first thought was disappointment that there weren't any pics of the Lego Death Star! I'm such a geek...

Dan Rude
08-30-2011, 11:21 PM
OK, OK I didn't include my Son's score of the Death Star. It came already assembled, so I may make him rebuild it. So here's his Pictures.

Steve H Graham
09-02-2011, 11:58 AM
You must know Jeff Vader, the head of catering.

Rodger Kanis
09-02-2011, 12:35 PM
His cooking must not agree with the Rebel scum, as they seem to be the only two writhing in agony on the floor. Raw shellfish? Unwashed lettuce?

(Thanks for the pics, Dan. :) )

You must know Jeff Vader, the head of catering.