View Full Version : Sequoia Radica

David DeCristoforo
08-29-2011, 6:40 PM
About a month ago, Charlie Belden was gifted several large slabs of old growth (DRY!) redwood burl. Charlie decided to share this wood with other turners and created his "Pay it Forward (http://web.hypersurf.com/~charlie2/Turning/RedwoodSlabs/RedwoodBurlSignUpList.htm)" project.

Charlie put a post on Wood Central in which he invited other turners to request a piece of this wood. There was no charge other than the shipping cost. The idea was that each person who received a piece of the wood was to "pay it forward" in the form of some sort of charitable contribution, hopefully by donating the piece or at least some of the proceeds from it.

I was fortunate enough to be given one of the pieces. It was the perfect size to make one of these "amphora" pieces. This piece is being shipped this week, along with several others to a gallery "on approval". If it is accepted and (if and when) sold, I plan on donating all or part of the sale to the Free the Children Foundation (http://www.freethechildren.com/), a cause that my daughter is very passionate about and actively involved in. If this does not pan out, I will fall back to Plan B. (No idea what that is yet!)

So… here is another "amphora". This one is sixteen inches tall and 4.5" at the rim. The body, embellishment and base are redwood burl. The stem and transition piece are ebonized rosewood. This one is much fuller in form than any of it's predecessors because I wanted to retain as much of the wood as possible. To help in visually balancing the larger form, I increased the size of most of the details. The narrow part of the stem and the transition piece, the "bulb" at the top of the stem and the embellishment were all "bulked up" a bit to add some "weight". I had considered some sort of detailing at the rim but I really wanted the wood to be the center of attention with this one so I left the rim alone. It's finished with lacquer and buffed to a satin gloss.


Roger Chandler
08-29-2011, 6:48 PM
Absolutely gorgeous! David, this one ranks among the top 3 I think in your series...........fine form and delicate to say the least. Superb work once again!

Marty Eargle
08-29-2011, 6:54 PM
This is a very wonderful program that Mr. Belden has started. Really a chance for turners to show off their talents which a beautiful chunk of wood and, while doing so, do some good in this world.

The deep colors of the redwood go great with the pedestal you've turned. Very exceptional and something to be proud of!

John Keeton
08-29-2011, 7:26 PM
David, I count among my blessings knowing folks like you - talented and caring - and, I am very serious about that. As a bonus, I know that when I see a form like this, Double D was the artist! Great work - again, and excellent choice of finish. Love the nice toolwork on the base, but where do you sign these things????:confused:

Don Alexander
08-29-2011, 7:46 PM
every time i think DD has reached the pinnacle................................ he ups the ante

Rick Markham
08-29-2011, 7:49 PM
Double D, another spectacular one. I love the redwood, and I agree with John, very well done on the base. A spectacular piece no doubt!

Marc Himes
08-29-2011, 7:51 PM
David, all your pieces like this are beautiful and delicate, but this one has such wonderful wood to showcase. A beautiful piece of burl suspended by a very thin also beautiful support. Very nice.

Ken Fitzgerald
08-29-2011, 8:10 PM
David.....I truly believe turning has allowed you to reveal talents that you had hidden within you. This I believe to be one of your best turnings and is a stupendous beauty on its own. The wood is the star and the form and finish just further enhance it's beauty. Nicley done!

Bernie Weishapl
08-29-2011, 9:28 PM
Really another beautiful piece David. Beautiful form and finish.

Curt Fuller
08-29-2011, 9:47 PM
David, I thought the rosewood amphora was my favorite. Now I'm not sure. This is absolutely beautiful! And the charitable aspect makes it even better.

Kathy Marshall
08-30-2011, 2:42 AM
Oooooooooh Purdy! Ok that's an understatement, Absolutely Gorgeous! I really, really love this one! The wood is spectacular and the added bulk really showcases it. There's not a single thing that does not appear absolutely perfect to me.

ps..One more thing, if the gallery doesn't snatch that one up, then they might as well close shop. I can't imagine it would sit on a shelf for very long!

Norm Zax
08-30-2011, 5:11 AM
Love the form and the wood. Excellent execution.

Baxter Smith
08-31-2011, 9:44 PM
Great job on a beautiful piece of wood David!

David DeCristoforo
08-31-2011, 10:43 PM
Thanx to all for the comments. I'm hoping Charlie puts up some sort of photo album of the pieces turned from this redwood burl. It really is spectacular wood and there were some pretty impressive names on the list of those he sent pieces to. I would expect to see some sweet turnings...

Mike Willeson
08-31-2011, 11:15 PM
That is amazing David! I'm not sure how you do such delicate work...and the finish looks flawless work. On top of it all, the charity aspect is wonderful.

Ron Bontz
09-01-2011, 12:01 AM

Chris Burgess
09-01-2011, 9:29 AM
What a great piece.