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View Full Version : FotoSketcher freeware

Martin Boekers
08-27-2011, 5:04 PM
A fellow "Creeker" (Larry Folk) mentioned this another thread, but I felt it was important enough
to get it's own thread.

Many of us have looked for ways to add texture or a sketched effect to images. I have
found some great actions for PS to help with conversion, but that takes some time to get
it to where you need it. Plus you need PS.

Larry came across this FREE, stand alone software called FotoSketcher;


This is pretty neat software that is quick and easy to use.
I recommend you to check it out.

Have some fun with it!


Jonathan Overlin
08-27-2011, 11:37 PM
very cool, I'll be playing with this!

Dee Gallo
08-28-2011, 9:41 PM
Just FYI: I downloaded this program to try it and it had corrupted files, which took a while to get rid of. It also auto-installed some other things which I had to locate and uninstall. Not my kind of program, I'd rather pay and get what I expect. It may be a great program but I never got to see it in action.

cheers, dee

Ruben Salcedo
08-28-2011, 9:56 PM

in the installation dialog at the beginning it gives you a choice, typical or custom, if you chose custom you have the option of opting out of the "Ask" tool bar and shortcuts, I did this and I didn't have any problems... actually the program is easy to use and it gives some cool effect.

Thank you, Martin... for sharing this program.

Bill Cunningham
08-28-2011, 10:58 PM
There is also a version that you don't have to install, and just run the .exe from a usb memory thingy.. There is nothing funny on that either..

Dee Gallo
08-28-2011, 11:33 PM
Ruben and Bill, I guess it's the MacUser in me that does not know the ins and outs of installing Windows stuff.

Thanks for clarifying, dee

Mike Null
08-29-2011, 6:48 AM
I installed this program a few weeks ago in hopes of producing a drawing automatically that would rival Frank Corker's pencil drawing. This is a nice program but no match for Frank.

paul mott
08-29-2011, 7:21 AM
I installed this program a few weeks ago in hopes of producing a drawing automatically that would rival Frank Corker's pencil drawing. This is a nice program but no match for Frank.

I think that the only thing that will match Frank's drawings are Frank's drawings.

This is, however, a brilliant piece of free software and from first impressions is capable of producing some quite stunning results. Thanks Martin for the link.


Martin Boekers
08-29-2011, 9:37 AM
Mike, your right that this won't rival a talented artist, but is fun to play with! I like the effect of cartoon 1.

Dee, As a Mac (albeit a non-Intel version) I to get challenged by the differences. I have a Mac at home and PCs at work.
A while back I picked up Corel Painter as I got a great deal on it. Have had much time to play with it. One of these days
I may have to pick up a cheap PC just to play with these programs. :-) I had issues about a year ago when out of nowhere
the "Ask Toolbar" popped up out of nowhere and created havoc. Yes it did take a while to get it off the computer!

Again all being said, the quality of the image makes quite a bit of difference. You have a better shot with a nice high res image
with a good tonal range. That I discovered quickly as I toyed with this software over the weekend.