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Paulo Marin
08-27-2011, 3:46 PM
I was extremely happy to see the incredible comments and praises for Allan Batty’s Spinning Wheel. To those who responded, I thank you very much.

As I mentioned, I was completely humbled by that incredible masterpiece and did not have the courage to share with you my little “Secret Box” (which I learned from Allan himself). Since a week passed by, and I started to reflect about the Secret Box, I remembered how excited I was to spend a week with Allan at Steve Dunn’s Woodturning School in Los Angeles. When it was my turn to receive “personal training” from Allan, he came behind me and said: “This is a clever little turning Paulo.. you will see”. And he was right!

One of the most important things I have learned turning the box, is that the technique he was sharing with me was originally developed by the old ivory turners who made billiard balls all day long (imagine that?)

I turned mine using “alternate ivory” but this box can pretty much be turned out of any wood you like (although I recommend hard woods). I have also attached some pictures of Allan turning in one of our club demos so you can see some progression. That day, he was staying in my house and he asked me if I had an old CD. When I asked him why, he said: “Well, I forgot my spherical template and I need to make another one”. Pretty Clever!

One interesting detail about this box is when you are done, I assure you it will look exactly the way he designed. Simple little process!

If you are interested on how to turn one of these, I hope you support Allan and buy a little publication he put together called: “Woodturning Notes”. I am sure you can find it cheaper on the internet, but the idea is to SUPPORT Allan who depends on the sales of his website. I spoke with him today and he still amazes me with some great stories and how befuddled he is every time I remind him of his great contributions to woodturning. He is a “class act” guy!

I absolutely REGRET not pursuing a certain intuition I had to produce a comprehensive woodturning series with him. At that time, I invested heavily on the creation of a full woodturning studio with another woodturner, which took me to a different direction and set me back three years. I completely overlooked the fact that I would have been the catalyst to capture Allan Batty’s incredible experience and legacy.

If you have had personal classes with Allan or participated in demos or Symposiums, I am sure you agree with me about his "elegant turning style", which could have only been obtained after years of apprenticeship.

Once again, I feel honored to have had the opportunity to learn from him. I am sure all of us remember that “special person” or professional woodturner who started us. And that will be the title of another post I am working on.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my secret box. As always C&C are appreciated.

Enjoy your weekend everybody!

Paulo :cool: Marin

charlie knighton
08-27-2011, 4:47 PM
thanks for sharing Paulo, thats a family heirloom

Jerry Wright
08-27-2011, 6:04 PM
Paulo – Very, very nice. The use of the alternate ivory takes grain patterns out of the visual equation, and as a result the box has a very crisp appearance. It is one of those pieces that encourages you to pick it up!! Thanks for sharing the images of Allan turning – his turning heritage is wonderful to share. He is one of those rare folks who have forgotten more than most of us can learn!!

Tim Thiebaut
08-27-2011, 7:50 PM
That is one of the coolest things I have seen in a while!

Harvey Ghesser
08-27-2011, 8:01 PM
Hi Paulo,

You are most fortunate to have had Allan Batty as a teacher. You will always be able to review that experience in your mind's eye. I'm jealous!
Your secret box is definitely a family heirloom! It is a keeper!

I appreciate that you shared it with us.

Harvey Ghesser

Bill Wyko
08-27-2011, 8:29 PM
Paulo, that is extraordinary. I love seeing pieces that are a step out of traditional turning. Wonderful choice of woods and beautiful form. Love the hidden lid. Some of that must be those awesome tools you have to play with. Excellent my friend :D Do you have a link where we can buy from him directly?

Paulo Marin
08-27-2011, 9:39 PM
Do you have a link where we can buy from him directly?

Thanks Bill! Anyone can do this little box. If I am not mistaken Malcolm Tibbetts makes a segmented one, (right up your alley). I think it is featured on Malcolm's DVD #6 if I am not mistaken. I have never seen the video, but I am sure it is good too. Malcolm is extraordinaire!

Allan's link is allan-batty.com/dvds.aspx

He currently lives in a home and has literally abandoned woodturning (which is an absolute shame). I have repeatedly tried to convince him to come back, but he has always refused stating that his health is poor. Personally, I think he is not in good health AT ALL. He did not sound good on the phone today.

So, by buying some of his videos or papers, I guess we all contribute a bit to his well being. I will mention to him that he should sign every one of them. I think that would be cool for the buyer to have a signed copy don't you think?

Once again, thanks for the nice remarks...

Paulo Marin