View Full Version : New Toys

David Fried
02-22-2005, 11:40 AM
Dangerous, I know. Trying something new but there have been too many interesting postings involving carving soooo I thought I might give it a try. I picked up a starter set on sale. We'll see how it goes. I figure as long as I stay away from the planes I'll be OK.

Don Carkhuff
02-22-2005, 12:57 PM
Nice set!
I have 33 chisels now and made a good purchase from Wal-Mart for chisel storage.
They sell a 3 drawer cube all made from "tupperware" type plastic. The length of each drawer is perfect for chisels. Each cube was $5.45. I installed 1/8 tick plywood dividers into each drawer to hold 6 chisels for each drawer. I realy like the ability to take the drawer to the bench and sharp chisel edges can't bump into each other.
I have a chisel roll but have more chisels than the roll can handle.
By the way, the cubves can be stacked on top of each other.

Bart Leetch
02-22-2005, 3:56 PM
Hey Don

How about a picture? :)

Jeff Sudmeier
02-22-2005, 4:33 PM
Congrats on the new toys, I mean tools! :) Be sure to post your new projects with carvings!

Jim Becker
02-22-2005, 4:50 PM
David, can you tell us more about this set? I can't read the labels and would like to know who produced them, etc. TYIA! (Congrats on a nice acquisition!)

02-22-2005, 5:04 PM
Those look pretty nice. I agree w/ Jim ... details.

BTW, why did you wait a year to post? :D


David Fried
02-22-2005, 8:36 PM
David, can you tell us more about this set? I can't read the labels and would like to know who produced them, etc. TYIA! (Congrats on a nice acquisition!)


It's a Crown Beginners Set. WoodworkersShop.com has it on sale for 35.99.
Hmmm... the camera thinks it's 2004! I'll have to check if it's blinking 12:00 too!


Jim Becker
02-22-2005, 8:41 PM
Thanks, David. I've been thinking of a few more tools like this and was just curious.

lou sansone
02-22-2005, 9:23 PM
do yourself a favor and try carving mahogany or walnut at first ( or bass wood if you are so inclined ) . Woods like cherry and hard maple are much more challanging. Carving is a lot of fun and also very very quiet! Good time for thinking about stuff.

I have found that a really sharp tool makes all the difference in the world. After trying all types of shapening methods, I have finally settled on making sure the final hone is on hard felt with LV green rouge.

enjoy and good luck.

David Fried
02-23-2005, 11:10 AM
Thanks Lou,

I have some Basswood scraps left over from my attempts to hand cut dovetails last spring. I think I'll start with those.

The chisels seem sharp out of the box but I'll take your advice and hone them before using them.

Dave Fried