View Full Version : Olive NE closed bowl

Kathy Marshall
08-27-2011, 4:34 AM
I had an urge to turn something a little different tonight, and when searching through the log pile I came up with small section of an olive log with a very irregular surface. I first thought I'd do a NE hollow form, but as I was trimming it on the bandsaw I noticed the bark was very loose and would never hold. I then thought maybe an NE goblet thingy to go on a pedestal. Still undecided, I put it between centers and just started roughing until it told me what it wanted to be.

This is what I ended up with, it's 3" tall by 4 1/4" wide and the walls are just under 1/8". At this point it just has a coat of BLO.
This is a very nicely colored piece of olive, the pic doesn't show it well, but some of what looks like brownish blotches near the base is actually red. There was also very little sapwood, you can see the color pretty much goes right up to the natural edge.

I didn't really notice it until I uploaded the pics, but because the bark is off and the color/pattern is pretty uniform, it's hard to distinguish the edges in the pics. I'm thinking about using my burner to burn the edges and give it some contrast.
What do you think?


Thanks for looking!
As always comments and critiques are welcome.

Marc Himes
08-27-2011, 4:57 AM
Very nice bowl, Kathy. The wood is striking and the piece is very well turned, As for the edge, darkening it may make it show up better in the picture, but it is how it looks in your hand that matters. I like it as it is.

Rick Markham
08-27-2011, 5:23 AM
That's gorgeous Kathy!!! Amazing wood, and even better form!!!

John Keeton
08-27-2011, 6:59 AM
Great form, Kathy!!! Personally, I would not darken the edges on this piece - looks great as is.

Keith E Byrd
08-27-2011, 7:25 AM
Kathy that is an awesome piece of wood and the form is great - I vote for no burnt edges - love it the way it is.

Steve bellinger
08-27-2011, 7:28 AM
I also think it looks great just the way it is. But i bet i would of said the same thing if you had all ready burnt the edges. Great job.

Josh Bowman
08-27-2011, 7:52 AM
Nice work. I vote natural on the edges.

Lionel Mercier
08-27-2011, 8:11 AM
Fine work.
Did you notice the smell when you were turning it ?
For my taste, let it so it is now.

Rob Cunningham
08-27-2011, 8:56 AM
Absolutely beautiful. Leave it the way it is.

Bernie Weishapl
08-27-2011, 9:49 AM
Beautiful Kathy. I agree leave as is. Nice form and the wood looks great.

Barry Richardson
08-27-2011, 11:01 AM
Okay, I guess I will be the odd man out, I think a light touch of dark around the edge would improve it visually, although it's a fantastic piece already. On another note, Kathy, you must have your turning area set-up with AC, how else could you stand this miserable heat here in AZ these days?

Mike Peace
08-27-2011, 11:38 AM
Wow, what a beautiful form. Love the shape. I think the rim would look good either way so would leave as is.

Bill Bolen
08-27-2011, 12:38 PM
Now that kinda defines "beautiful piece of wood", love the form you chose too! Gotta agree, darkening the edge will just highlight that beautiful grain a bit more! Outstanding piece Kathy.

Kathy Marshall
08-27-2011, 1:16 PM
Thanks for the nice comments everyone!
Still undecided, but I think I might darken the edge just a touch, a low setting on the burner for just a hint of color.
I think I like this form and since I have more of these irregular shaped logs (most are bigger) I'll probably do a few more in different sizes. I think I see more of the NE goblet on a stick forms in my future too!

Fine work.
Did you notice the smell when you were turning it ?
For my taste, let it so it is now.
Thanks Lionel! I love the smell of olive when I turn it1

Okay, I guess I will be the odd man out, I think a light touch of dark around the edge would improve it visually, although it's a fantastic piece already. On another note, Kathy, you must have your turning area set-up with AC, how else could you stand this miserable heat here in AZ these days?
Thanks Barry! You're gonna think I'm nuts. My sister bought me a small a/c unit for my shop and I installed it and tried it once, but haven't turned it on since. It's rated for about 800 sf and the shop is only about 200 sf, so you'd think it would keep it comfortable, but with this heat and in a metal, uninsulated trailer, if you're not standing directly in front of the vent it doesn't make a noticeable difference. Just not cost effective for a degree or two. With the breeze last night, it was actually pretty comfortable.

Toney Robertson
08-27-2011, 2:48 PM
Lovely wood and form.

Great job.

Curt Fuller
08-27-2011, 6:38 PM
Holy Mackerel, That's is pretty!

Cathy Schaewe
09-02-2011, 9:20 AM
that is just beautiful -